CSS Google

September 24, 2003 | View Comments (3) | Category: CSS Redesigns

Summary: Google done in all CSS and no div's

For those of you not coming over from Pseudo Design you might not be aware of my redesign of Google in CSS. Every once in a while I will be posting a major website done in CSS to show people that pretty much anything can be done in CSS that can be done in tables and to also show the benefits. Hopefully, if done right I can knock the code size down. A lot of people who discuss the benefits of doing all CSS designs like to point out the fact that code size is reduced. Well this is true, but only if you are smart about how you use the CSS. I once did a site where the CSS version was larger than the tabled version simply because there was so much CSS.

I was working on a CSS Yahoo, but grew frustrated at all the information that they cram into a single page. I have no doubt that it can be done in CSS, but the time spent trying to implement it was not worth it. Maybe one crazy day I can whip it up. Anyways, this post was longer than it needed to be.

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Let me just toot my own horn and say that I am still impressed when I look at the html code for it. Who needs <div>'s?

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


I saw a CSS yahoo a while back. Some guy did a CSS yahoo and a CSS Amazon. I think Dan (inmyexperience.com) linked to it...

JC (http://thelionsweb.com/weblog)


This is probably stating the obvious, but Douglas Bowman has done a prototype of Yahoo Search in CSS.



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