The Beginning of the Journal

October 08, 2003 | View Comments (3) | Category: Design Journal

Summary: If you wanna learn not only design, but the business you gotta tell a story. This journal tells the story of a project from beginning to end.

At my old blog I started a featured called the design journal where I wrote about my progress in designing a site for a client (it's better that you just don't ask how that ended up). I got many emails about how people were enjoying the series (however short it was) because it gave an open door approach to real-world design with a client. Well I am going to start the series again with my first client Nick Pullaro, CPA.

In my other design series, Elements of Web Design, I am trying to teach some readers and myself some aspects of web design that can easily be overlooked. That is all good and much of the stuff can be gotten from a book at the store. However, telling a real-life story is completely different. I think it offers a different perspective. Instead of my preaching to you how it should be done, I am merely going to tell you how I did it. There will be many mistakes and many times I will trip on success. All in all I hope everyone gets something out of it.

Doug, Andy and others have posted great articles on the design process that they went through when coming up with the concept for a site. I am going from meetings, to concepts, to actual implementations. The point is there are many things I have yet to learn, like the best way to deal with clients, to negotiating terms, to proposal writing and many other aspects of the whole web design business. In this series I would like to hear how others would handle certain situations that I encounter. It should be fun and somewhat crazy since I am going to show everyone how truly stupid I am.

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I'll really be looking forward to this feature. A pre-thanks for sharing your design process.

Taylor (


Hey no problem. I am looking forward to it just as much as you are. What better way to show how much of a screwup I am?

Scrivs (


I think I'm addicted to "anatomy of a project"-style reviews of web design development and process. Thanks in advance for your contribution to my stash.

Jacob Patton

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