April 11, 2005

Design In-Flight April 2005 Issue

The latest issue of Design In-Flight is now out. I remember speaking with Andy about this publication late 2003 before it was released and was very excited to hear what he had planned. It seems that he has now hit his stride with it as this is the best one to date.

This issue sports a newly redesigned style with brighter colors and new typefaces. It all fits in perfectly with the new Spring season that has fallen upon us. It also introduces two new recurring features: Eye on Type (typography column) and Six-Penny Anthems (comic series). Other articles include:

Go check it out and make sure to subscribe if you haven't done so already. It is well worth the $10/year.

Posted by Scrivs at April 11, 2005 12:44 AM


#1 | Matthew Pennell (http://www.thewatchmakerproject.com/)

Definitely - the 'Grid' article in this issue was worth the $10 alone.

#2 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

Yeah, Mark is a very smart man and I would recommend visiting his blog as you can find many more quality articles over there.

#3 | Mark Boulton (http://www.markboulton.co.uk)

Thanks guys, glad you like the article.

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