About Me: An Interview

January 16, 2004 | View Comments (24) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Not to many people know who I am based on my readings so for this entry you get to ask any question you want about me that I will answer in a new about page.

They say its possible to get to know someone by simply listening to them speak. On blogs you can learn a lot about someone's personality and their beliefs by reading their words. I never really considered even posting an "About" page on myself, because well, I never really like talking about myself. I had to write a generic one (all true though) on the company site, but I don't think that gives anyone any idea of who I am. More than a couple of times I have received emails saying "Hey, I don't really know you, but..." and I always overlooked those because how can you "really" know someone online. Well today I figure I was going to the best thing, next to actually hanging out with me, and allow all of you to ask questions for me to answer. I will gather all of the questions into a new "About" page and hopefully this gives everyone a better idea of who I am. This could possibly be the worst idea in history, but who said all of my ideas had to be good?

If you want you can also email me questions.

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Where were you on the night of December 17th, 1997?

At least, that's what the police were asking...

JC (http://www.thelionsweb.com/weblog)



Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Oh fun! Here are a few random questions to get you started.

What kind of music do you like most?

How long have you been a Web designer?

What are your long term goals for White Space?

Where do you live?

Who is your hero?

Oh yeah and the required -- Boxers or briefs?

Keith (http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/)


In your opinion, what are the most important guiding principles (other than the freelance designer's motto: "Get half up front") to bear in mind when designing a website for a client?

When designing one for yourself?

Paul G (http://www.paulpgriffin.com)


How did you get into web design?

Are you more technical or more artsy?

Where have you learned the design skills you now posses?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years regarding web design?



"... They say its possible to get to know someone by simply listening to them speak...."

For some reason, that sounds terribly familiar to me. Hmmm... I wonder where I've heard that before?

Some things I'd be interested in knowing are:
Why "Whitespace"?
What is Whitespace?
What typefaces do you like/prefer/use in web design?
A quick blurb on who you are.
Screenshots of your desktop(s)
Least/Most Favorite Foods
Least/Most Favorite Sports
Least/Most Favorite Colors
Least/Most Favorite Music

Ryan Parman (http://www.skyzyx.com)


How did you learn web design? Did you have a formal education in design or web design or did you teach yourself?

Why "Whitespace"?

So why is Whitespace also red and gray?

What do you do for a living, any full time job? Looking for work? Freelancing?

How do you spend your free time?

Asside from working on web projects, how else do you spend your free time? Favorite sports? Hobbies?

How come you prefer to use your last name as your username rather than your first name?

To follow up Keith's boxes or briefs question, Pink or Salmon?

How come I can't find your mugshot?

This seems a lot like Keith's FAQ post, did you steal his idea? Shame! ;)

Does it annoy you when people play devil's advocate while posting comments in your blog?

What is your social security number?


Do people that ask too many questions annoy you?

Nick (http://www.digital-web.com)


Quick answer, I didn't necessarily "steal" Keith's idea, but it did come to mind when I was writing this...of course after I was done writing it :)

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Your pictures.
Scrennsots of your desctop.
What programs do you use ?
What is your PC configuration ?

Flexer (http://cute.mozdev.org)


For a site with the tagline "design thoughts for everyone," it might be reasonable for the about page to mention what stake everyone has in design.

Mike (http://www.hownottofly.com)


I have some well thought out and intriguing questions.

Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever been to a strip club?
Have you ever had violent thoughts when dealing with clients?
Have you ever been married only to have you wife run off with a friend?
Have you ever said "I love you" just to get a girl in the sack?
Have you ever been considered insane?

Ok that's it for now. Insane minds want to know.



Haha, I can see this is gonna get interesting.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Damn, even if you didn't steal my idea, you sure did my one better at least in question gathering.

There are some great questions in there, should be fun to answer. I think Battlewax has some great ones and needs to head to my site and ask me a few....

Keith (http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/)


If you are going to move forward with your idea of "evaluating" - what are your credentials for being a good evaluator?

Will you post your portfolio and open it to be evaluated by others?

If it didn't go as good as it apparently did with Zeldman, and he posted a public challenge to you on his blog to do better - would you have been up to the challenge?

Mark Fusco (http://www.lightpierce.com/ltshdw)


Well, your name is Paul Scrivs, I've got that much. You write my favourite blog on the internet, your one of the two things that persuaded my to get back into design (and exposed my love for typography).

Apart from that, I'm stuck.

David House


Do you think you will ever design with graphics or are you a strictly text kinda guy?

Do you ever laugh at how bad some people's web designs are, especially those of fellow designers? If not, why not?

Joel (http://www.biroco.com/)


Here's a questions: How much "Personal Information" is too much? It's good to know about the person behind the site but some of these questions seem to be too personal to me. Where do we draw the line? My view is to keep it professional though i do enjoy the layed back feeling i get from white space. What do you think Scrivs?



In regards to what is too personal, I think that is something that is different for everyone. I will have to say that I am a pretty open person, so honestly none of these questions bother me at all and I think people are asking these kinds of questions because they do kind of get a sense of the type of person I am through my writing.

However, I definitely would advise people to put some careful thought into asking these type of questions to other "strangers".

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


This is a game. Instead of asking questions, I will write words and want you to write down automatically the first thing that comes to your mind. ^_^

1. Car

2. Snow

3. Coffee

4. Apple

5. Chocolate

6. "Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!"

7. "For Aiur!"

8. Brain Tumour

9. West Wing

10. Rambaldi



You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise, Paul. It's crawling towards you. You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back.

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can't, not without for your help. But you're not helping.

Why is that Paul?

Will Pate (http://www.willpate.org)


Earning a Masters in MIS would seem to indicate you have a natural mindset toward logical reasoning. If that's the case, why such an interest in design which requires a 180 degree mindshift?

Why not just earn a masters in design instead?

Mark Fusco (http://www.lightpierce.com/ltshdw)


6: "Who are you calling scruffy-looking?"

Adam Kalsey (http://kalsey.com)


Do you dress to the left or the right?

Sian (http://www.webdiva.co.uk/blog/)


Mark -
I'd guess because an IT department head would laugh at a design degree but not an MIS one, and Paul probably likes money as much as the rest of us. MIS with a minor in design might work if his university can fit it in... nto sure how that works if the focus groups are in different colleges (eg liberal arts vs sciences)

JC (http://www.thelionsweb.com/weblog)

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