My Day

August 10, 2004 | View Comments (8) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Describing my day.

I know there are about 68,943 people out there who are curious as to what I do during the day and what my routine is. Unfortunately, I can't even give you a daily routine as it seems to change daily. At the moment I have the luxury of doing whatever I feel. But I will see if I can give you a rundown.


This is quite possibly the hardest part of my day. I wakeup anywhere between the hours of 5am-12pm. It all depends on when I go to sleep. Some of you have been fortunate to catch me up at 7am and those times usually occur when I stay up the whole night working on a project.

I don't sleep very well. I always have something on my mind that I feel can get done so I work at figuring out how it can be done. I am playing with new ideas in my head constantly. It's a vicious cycle. Get tired. Laydown for 2 hours. Finally get to sleep. Wakeup 4 hours later. Do it again.

At the Computer

Heh. I love the computer. I hate the computer. I am not an RSS addict so I am safe when it comes to newsreaders. My problem is email. Email is a big problem. I am sure there is a large percentage of you out there who have emailed me to find that I have yet to respond. It's easy to explain.

If I don't respond immediately there is a good chance in the next 30 minutes it will get buried in the other emails and quickly forgotten till I do one of my random “clean out inbox” sessions.

I get email for Whitespace, Version 2, Forever Geek, Business Logs, the CSS Vault, and now the Roe. Starting next week I will be getting mail from 2 new sites (possibly 3). So it's not that I try to ignore everyone. I just get a lot of email coming my way.

Discussion Moderation

To keep a well-oiled community you have to have good moderation on your site. I think I have been doing an okay job with the comments at the Vault by trying to keep only the ones that offer something to the discussion. When it comes to Whitespace it is pretty much a free for all as the hot topics get replied to so fast that it's hard to keep up. Fortunately, everyone here seems to be quite mature and I like to think the discussions are of a higher quality.

Now Forever Geek is a different story.

Since there is such a wide range of topics posted by 8 different authors I can only manage my own entries. Some entries get 0 comments while other entries are in the 100s. Again I try my best at moderation and have had some measure of success. The problem comes when people don't read the entries and decide to write a comment that goes against the rules that were said in the entry itself.

For example, in the entry I state that the comments are not to be used for posting referral links. Guess what? There is probably at least 10 people a day who decide to post their link.

Now I am going to move on to the next item, but don't think email or discussion moderation is just a one-stop shop. Email is a constant issue all day.

Upkeeping the Sites

I have ambitions. Big ambitions. I wish I would have worked a little bit harder to make my sites a bit more popular, but at the moment I am pleased (not happy) with their popularity. Again though, I have a million and one ideas to implement on them and every once in a while I get around to tweaking them, but most of the time is spent keeping them updated. However, my workflow has somewhat changed now with my new plans of adding people on to the “crews” of the sites. Most new sites will use the “team” model that Forever Geek implements as this lessens my workload and offers a higher quality site to the audience. And for everyone's knowledge, all members of Forever Geek have the option of using their Google Adsense code for their entries.

In any case, if you run one blog you know how hard it can be sometimes to maintain the high quality that your readers expect so at times you might push yourself and in return the quality drops. I will stick to the rule that once I stop having fun, the sites will stop to exist.

Reading and Commenting

I consume so much information from reading on a daily basis it amazes me how I do not have my doctorate yet. I am an information whore. No other way to word it. Most of this is done on blogs and forums (mostly forums) and there is so much that I don't really have the time to comment on them. There is a good chance I read your blog, but just don't get around to commenting on it. I'm sorry as I know how good it feels to have someone comment on your site. I try to do as much as possible.

Rest of the Day

Play soccer. Eat. Go out to the clubs. Watch anime. Sit down and stare at the computer screen and wonder where all the time has gone since nothing has been accomplished.

I know it wasn't that exciting, but that's how things run in my life and I love it.

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Are you sure you're not living my life? That's exactly what I do every day - minus the clubbing, anime and soccer.

I search the internet for information every day, my bookmark list is like a library and i'm currently ploughing my way through 10 books (at the same time) about topics like - webonomics, php, typgoraphy, HCI and Art.

I find it very hard to sleep at night, I almost feel guilty for taking time out to rest rather than working on some code. My fiancee is in Cyprus atm with her family, which means that i've had even MORE time to sit around and code/design.

My big ambitions are somewhat restricted by my small pockets. I really do wish I had more money.

"I'm a dreamer, dreaming my life away"

Robert Lofthouse (


What anime do you watch?



Wait a sec, I'm sure there was a paragraph in there that was taken out in editing. Where's all the stuff about complaining to me about how there are too many girls calling you at all hours of the night? Don't be fooled, going to clubs takes up a lot of his time :)

*Runs away before Scrivs kicks my ass*

Mike (


"Sit down and stare at the computer screen and wonder where all the time has gone since nothing has been accomplished." This is what I do on a daily basis, so I feel your pain.

Josh (


Hey don't listen to Mike (man I am so gonna kick his ass...)

As for Anime my 2 obsessions at the moment are:

Samuari Champloo
Full Metal Alchemist Quite possibly the best anime series ever.

Scrivs (


Why would you kick mike's ass it's true! pimp of the year!!



wow. its interesting to learn so much more about you through your site. i knew there were a few details you were leaving out.... guess a girl's got no guarantees, no matter how many questions asked.




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