
November 16, 2004 | View Comments (41) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Sometimes the only way to vent is through actions.

For everyone that has been pissed off at a client or a troll on their site and just didn't know how to respond. Here ya go...

There goes my career...if I had one. ;-)

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And the ideas and opinions expressed here in no way reflect our business. Just so everybody knows ;)

Mike (


I resigned today, and definitely felt some of those feelings as I signed the letter.

Nice timing.

And thanks for putting a face with the name.

seth (


I always wondered what you looked like. Maybe someday you can call me on your new Sidekick and I can hear what you sound like. And maybe someday I will get to meet you.

Matthew Oliphant (


Scrivs, I'm sure you could have done much worse than that, but I guess afterall this is a "family" site.

My question is though: was this taken in "the smallest room in the house", or your office?

Hope you're feeling better mate :-)

Maxine (


That can't be you! You googler :P

Or is it?

Jeff (


Dude I wish my toaster could take pictures too!

Mike (


This is offensive. Someone should really start a "I don't like Paul Scrivens" post on their weblog, or something.

Jeff Croft (


Interesting that you decided to go with the soldiers. I went through my "soldiers phase" with middle finger flipping too, but now I'm back to good old fashion elementary-school no-soldiers style... the way you did it before you learned how to curl your other fingers alongside the General.

Mike D. (


Tipped off by Design By Fire? :P

Chris Vincent (


There's a good bit of pinky there, so I wouldn't call it offensive. :)



Hahahaha! Nice one Rundle, that device is huge, and I ain't talking about that finger.

(good to get me laughing after that weekend debaucle ;-)

Mike P. (


Next time turn the Flash off and take the picture with some better lighting n00b ;)

Mind if I use the photo as-is next time I get pissed off? No Photoshopping, I promise.

Vinnie Garcia (


Alright Scrivs, one question for those of us who stumble to your site only occassionally... what brought that on?

Not that it matters I guess, but I think there is a story there somewhere that may help explain it all.


Mike Ward (


Mike, I'm guessing that it's this.

Vinnie Garcia (


Kudos to you, Paul, for handling this in a mature fashion. I'm impressed that you've taken higher ground.



Actually I took it as a joke and sent it to Rundle. He dared me to post it here so I did. Nuff said. Now about Rob... ;-)

Scrivs (


Hahahahha, dance puppet, DANCE!!!!!!

Mike (


..."The face of your company lies in the way you speak with your customers, and we can help make sure that the face is always a friendly one."


If I came here from BL as a potential client looking for more insight on you from your about page, clicked here and found this, do you think this would be an opportunity gained or lossed?

Whether this was a dare, joke or low road response to a critisism, how is your response helping to manage your brand, build business and make more money?

Mark (


Actually, I just got us 2 more potential clients because people feel more comfortable putting a face to the name. Go figure.

Scrivs (


"2 more potential clients" because of that photo? Convenient for you to say that.

Are you making that up, as you made up fake people on a separate weblog earlier this year and wrote about yourself in the third person? Is that site still up, by the way?



He's not making it up about the clients, I got the emails too....

Mike (


Hmmm, convenient for me to say that? Well I wouldn't even have mentioned it, but I had to respond to Mark. I just said "potential" though so it's no guarantee that things will work out with them.

Making stuff up huh? Wow, people really don't like me. Today is turning out to be pretty interesting.

Scrivs (


Mark, I wish you would just learn to love people for who they are. You need a fuckin' puppy or something.



I still like you Paul :)

Bryan (


I like you to Bryan. Hey email me the link to that site again, I want to see the status of it.

Scrivs (


Word, hommie. You will always be cool in my book.

Worse comes to worst you could always design porn sites, ha ha!

El Capitan


..."The face of your company lies in the way you speak with your customers, and we can help make sure that the face is always a friendly one."

Duh. Because we can help make sure the face is always a friendly one. By giving you the tools and knowledge to do it. However, if you get a bee in your bonnet and want to tell the world about it, that's your decision.

I wouldn't caution against making a statement like the one at the top of this page, because we help our clients figure out what they value. If they value letting the world see them as humans, then by all means, be pissed off once in a while. If they value being seen as friendly more, then we can help with that too.

Friendly doesn't always equate trustworthy. It depends, as usual. Deciding whether it is an opportunity lost or gained is something defined by what we value as a company. And we value being human.

Besides, you don't even have to leave the Business Logs site to see one of us losing our temper. And that post will always be around for everyone to see.

Matthew Oliphant (


Hilarious. People are writing all kinds of unkind things, I ask a legitmate business question and I'm the one that needs a puppy.

For the record Sean, I have posted numerous times here that I support what Paul's trying to do, I've even gone so far to say to him that "I love what you're doing."

In the real world of business, in which Paul admits in several posts that this is what all this effort is about - making money and keeping the bills paid, companies don't love you "just because", they love you because you can deliver on a brand promise.

In my question, I quoted one of the brand promises on one of Paul's other sites. I feel my question was legitimate and reasonable in light of the image he posted here.

Just because I don't agree with his viewpoints at times doesn't mean I dislike Paul, in fact, I hope I get to meet him personally one day. I think we'd get along basically. I'm just not about to be a blind fanboy of everything he does.

But, then again maybe you're right. Perhaps I need a puppy.

Mark (


Matthew -

That's a good point.

Mark (


Well if having posters of me up on your wall makes you fanboy, then Mark you are definitely a fanboy :-) I kid, I kid.

I am going to SXSW so if you are there we can have a keg or two.

Scrivs (


That picture could be on our business cards!

Okay, I'll stop. *goes to see if is taken already*

Matthew Oliphant (


Paul -

I intend on being there (SxSW), so I'll look forward to that. I'll even buy the first round.

Mark (


Can you put this photo on the submit a link page over at the Vault, that way every time I get all anal and submit one of my own pieces of work I can remember what you think of it! ;)

John Oxton (


Frankly, I think Paul needs to do more of this kind of thing. He is his brand. He needs to work it, not hide himself behind a politically correct veil of corporate mumbo-jumbo.

After skimming through this last bit of drama, I'm actually *more* likely to hire Paul for something because I know him somewhat better now.

To heck with corporate safety. I can get that anywhere. Keep up the good work, Paul.

Ted W.


Kinda reminds me of this...

Hey, discussion is good... :-)

Martin (



Since you went public with your face, let me show you who you're up against.

clicky (It's the dude on the left)

And don't worry. This is what Anne had to say about him:

"Rob told me he expected me to be some arrogant pig and that he didn't need to revise that thought after he met me in person. I guess it's always nice to get a compliment like that from someone younger than you."

Meaning he's 16/17, bored and probably envious of your traffic/success/influence*.

And again, don't worry. Lot's of people like you. Like your oppinion. Like your sites. Heck, most wish they looked as cool as you.

Why, even I like you.

*Pick any four.

AkaXakA (


That's the way to be. Rock on my brother, rock on. Clients and trolls are dime a dozen...kill em all and let your god do the sorting.

Richard Ramirez (


Seeing the pictures of all these young whipper-snappers ;) I just have to ask, am I the oldest guy in this business? I mean I have tattoos that are in their twenties...

Mike Ward (


Well, I have a friend in the biz who's 53, so I'm guessing he's a tad older :)

AkaXakA (


Oh thank God... in fact, I think Zeldman has me beat too.

Mike Ward (


The lot of you are making me feel old now. Thanks! ;)

dabitch (

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