
March 09, 2004 | View Comments (17) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Providing my self with a little perspective on what has happened in 6 months.

Until yesterday I really could not think about how many people visit my network of sites. Of course I check my referrer logs and read the statistics, but those numbers always seem so miniscule to me. When you start a site like this you always do so with a set of goals in mind. When 2004 was approaching I wrote an entry stating what I would like to improve. The last one, making a name for myself, was of course something that was out of my control. It is nice to be recognized, but you can't ask for people to recognize you or even respect you.

I am fast approaching 200 entries already (faster than I hit 100) with hopefully only a few being completely useless. A couple months ago Dunstan told me how he liked that I was "attacking the web" and I knew what he meant and I was surprised to notice that he knew I was going after everything. Then Jon Hicks labeled me as "the busiest man on the web" and it seems to have stuck with me. I always found that funny because you never seem busy when you are having fun.

To be honest I would not keep doing what I was doing if people were not coming to visit. So thanks to everyone who has ever written a comment or sent me an email. Thanks to everyone who offers their constructive criticism that helps me grow up just a little bit more. Thanks to Zeldman for understanding why I wrote that critique and thanks to Dunstan for volunteering his holy grounds for sacrifice.

Thank you everyone who has ever linked to me because you thought it was worth your time and your reader's time to come visit this site. Thanks to everyone who sends me submissions for the CSS Vault. Even though I let only a small percentage in I am sure everyone would be proud to see how many CSS sites there are out there on the web.

Thanks to the new authors of Forevergeek for jumping aboard a moving ship. We are going to kickass real soon.

Thanks for clicking on the ads whether you cared to see what was on the other side or not. Thanks for buying books from my store. Thanks for donating money. Just giving out a big thanks.

I know, I know this is one of those cheesy who gives a sh*t type posts, but after voting started yesterday and the amount of emails I have receieved, I had to put things into perspective. I just never thought I could do all of this in 6 months, which is more than I was able to do in 23 years of my life.

Version 2 Voting

Ummm, wow! Some interesting votes coming in and there are definitely a lot coming in. After Kottke linked to the site all hell broke loose. Fun to see which ones the "higher" profile bloggers voted for.

Back to the beach. Spring Break and I am on the computer writing this up, while massive amounts of people of the opposite sex walk around me in almost nothing. Gotta go!

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>Back to the beach. Spring Break and I am on the computer writing this up, while massive amounts of people of the opposite sex walk around me in almost nothing. Gotta go!

Thanks for rubbing that in, btw ;) Some of us are stuck in a windowless office until after the sun goes down... Damn, I miss college.

Paul G (


And thanks back for your contributions to the community in general. If nothing else, Whitespace gives me something to read every day, and for the most part it's a learning experience.

Chris Vincent (


I'm glad that things are working out for you with Whitespace and The Vault. Thank you's should go to you for providing such great resources for us in our learning.

And what are you waiting for? Get away from that computer and get to the beach! I'll sit here and watch it rain and snow in Philly.

Todd (


Spring Break?? I thought you were done with school.

Geez dude, get a job - after college, all those honeys in the skimpy outfits care about is how fat your wallet is.

Use that Master's degree for something more than a sun reflector for your face.


Mark Fusco (


When you live in Florida it doesn't matter if you are in school are not to celebrate Spring Break. Trust me ;)

Scrivs (


I actually grew up in Florida - well acquainted with Spring Break.

Mark Fusco (


and here, it's snowing. the women are walking around wearing everything they own and then some, and the caucasians come in two shades -- "winter pale" and "I don't know when to get out of the tanning bed, but it must be earlier than I did."

So when are you going to post some stats? It'd be interesting to see just how much traffic you get. :-)

After the bikini chicks go home of course. Or leave in the morning, if they go to the *right* home. heh

JC (


"When you live in Florida it doesn't matter if you are in school are not to celebrate Spring Break. Trust me ;)"

This is true, but Jacksonville just ain't the happenin' town that I'd like it to be. At least I can make it to St. Augustine on the weekends.

Also, the fact that I'm using up all my vacation time this year for a trip to Japan means that I can't take time off from work this week to go frolic at the beach...such a shame, because the weather is absolutely gorgeous these days.

Ah well, if my world-domination scheme goes well, I won't be complaining about missing Spring Break in a year or two ;)

Paul G (


Notice the cause and effect here:

Spring break is on... lots of women in "almost nothing"... and Scrivs decides to write an "It's a Wonderful Life" post.

Jack (


I hope your world domination scheme doesn't start with a godzilla costume... they're like... over it, man. Now, if you were a many-tentacled anime demon coming to steal their green haired women and have your wicked way with them, well, then you'd be off to a good start both there and in certain *cough*slashdot*cough* segments of US society as well. ::grin::

JC (


heh. And I think the 'reflections' title has something to do with miniskirts and nightclubs, after they're finished at the beach.

I knew I shouldn't have turned down that florida job offer.
Ah well.

JC (


"I hope your world domination scheme doesn't start with a godzilla costume..."

No, but nuclear-powered, fire-breathing, reptilian robots that vary greatly in size from one camera shot to the next may figure prominently...

Anyway, enough of this silliness. Somewhere along the line, I forgot to congratulate Scrivs on a great site he's got going here. I really can't imagine the amount of time and work that must go into his many projects.

I should also thank him for being my #1 referrer :)

Paul G (


I must bow before your genius. Robots are key.

JC (


“When you live in Florida it doesn't matter if you are in school are not to celebrate Spring Break. Trust me ;)”

Damn right! Too bad I’m moving in 2 months :(. Anyway Paul, I think you’ve done a lot for the CSS “community”, and keep up the good work!

Vinnie Garcia (


Vinnie, sorry to hear that your life is officially over in 2 months. I will continue on the fight to party!

Scrivs (


keep up the good work man - the cssvault is great inspiration, and im sure you'll see traffic continue to increase in your next 6 months!

andrew (


Keep it up dude, the vault has become a daily visit for me, hoping to gain some more inspiration.

And whitespace is becoming one of my favorite blogs. I only wish I had time to take part in Version 2.

phil baines (

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