In a world where there are millions of websites on the Internet and hundreds of new websites popping up each and every day, it can be challenging to know what you can do to make your website stand out from everyone else’s. But just like with your personal style, you can set yourself apart and have people take notice if you can find some simple, subtle ways to separate what you do from what everyone else is doing. But rather than doing this with your aquamarine engagement ring, you do this with your website. To show you how, here are three tips for making people take notice of your website.
Add More Of Your Personality
While there might be people who are similar to you in personality and style, there’s nobody out there who’s a carbon copy of you. And when it comes to your website, this is a great thing. For your website, the Forbes Agency Council shares that the best place to make your personality apparent is on your company bio. At this place on your website, you can share information about yourself that will help your visitors see the real you and get to know who you are on a personal level. When this happens between a business and a consumer, the consumer is much more likely to feel a personal connection to the company, making them more loyal and more willing to work with you over your competition.
Only Use High-Quality Images or Graphics
With the amount of stock images and photography available on the Internet, it’s not hard to find multiple websites with some of the same exact pictures covering their pages. And while this might have saved them money in the short-term, you can’t really set yourself apart from others when you’re using the same images as them. For this reason, Ezequiel Bruni, a contributor to Web Designer Depot, recommends that you make an effort to only use high-quality images and graphics on your website. By using big, beautiful images that are unique to your business, you’ll draw more of the right kind of attention to your website.
Create a Unique Yet Usable Layout
How many websites have you been to that have all been laid out in essentially the same way? While there’s something to be said for usability and familiarity, that’s not the only thing that should be taken into account, especially if you’re trying to make a splash in your industry. So rather than leaving your layout exactly as it came to you, Russell Sabio, a contributor to the Huffington Post, recommends making some unique choices while still having usability and intuition part of your formula for your layout.
If you’re looking for ways to make your website rise above the fray, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you reach this goal.
Originally posted on January 30, 2018 @ 8:40 pm