With the number of purchases that happen online, it’s becoming more and more necessary to have online sales people who specialize in sales primarily. While customer service representatives can be helpful, having real salespeople who can speak online with your customers and potential customers can make a huge difference. So to help your online sales team find the most success possible, here are three tips that will help any online sales associate bring more sales in for your company.
Know That Every Sales Situation Is Different
While your initial conversations might start off very similarly when approaching someone online, the actual sales process will likely be different in every situation. If you forget this, Dan Tyre, a contributor to HubSpot.com, shares that you could be missing a lot of opportunities. Because people come to your website at different points in the sales funnel, you should try to be open to wherever that person is. While you might actually help with making a sale sometimes, you also might just need to provide the visitor with information or create a positive experience for them to draw from in the future. But if you’re only trying to convert a sale with each interaction regardless of what the visitor wants, this could prove to backfire in the long run.
Get Experience With Your Products or Services
To become an effective salesperson, especially when working online, you’ve got to have experience with the products or services that you’re representing. According to Leslie Truex, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, only after you’ve had your own experiences with a product or service can you knowingly talk about it and be honest and enthusiastic during the sales process. Your website visitors will likely engage with you online in order to ask you a question about whatever it is their considering buying. And if you can’t give them an authentic and adequate answer, you could lose out on that sale and lose a potential returning customer.
Work With Others On Your Sales Team
There will likely come a point when you’re speaking with a customer online, and they ask a question that you don’t have the answer to. Now, if you work off commission, you might be hesitant to refer them to someone else on your team. However, according to Max Altschuler, a contributor to SalesHacker.com, collaborating within your sales team is one of the best ways to learn from each other and build quality relationships with your customers or clients. So if someone else can give the customers the information or experience they’re looking for, transfer them over for the sake of the business and sales in general.
To help your online sales team become more successful, consider using the tips mentioned above next time you hire someone or do a sales training.
Originally posted on June 1, 2018 @ 4:22 pm