The word is out that 9rules is working on an ad network of our very own and to help with the cause I am offering a year (well technically till the end of this year) of advertising on Whitespace for $1,200. Since we are almost halfway through the month of January you are looking at around $100/mo to reach the Whitespace audience. This offer will be limited to 10-12 sponsors.
Don’t get the wrong idea because there won’t be 10 ads showing at once. The ads will be rotating in the sidebar and in the footer along with 2 ads showing up on the homepage. Over the course of the year I will be testing new ad formats and placements so this will also prove to be a good experiment for these advertisers looking to see which formats work best for them. Your ad can be changed at any time for something else since it wouldn’t make sense to have the same ad up all year.
The site currently pulls in around 150k-200k pageviews a month (small to many people, but I lost my first 15 months of archives…not easy starting from scratch) and growing. There are some other guarantees that I will make to sponsors, but will only let serious candidates know what those are (oooooo, secrets). As an added bonus all Whitespace sponsors will receive a 9rules advertising discount so if you wish to reach an even bigger audience through the 9rules Network you can at a cheaper price than everyone else.
As an added, added bonus these ads will go up on the new Work Boxers once that’s launched.
That’s all. If you are interested shoot an email to scrivs{at}
Originally posted on January 11, 2006 @ 1:32 pm