I take it you haven’t missed the fact that Automattic, the company behind WordPress and WordPress.com, secured a whopping $29.5m in funding. That is probably good news, right? I think so, since the founders will stay onboard and have great plans, at least according to Matt Mullenweg’s post.
Now here’s what I want, as a person working professionally with WordPress, offering both design and coding services, as well as using it as a tool for a lot of projects, be it my own or freelance work for clients.
So Matt & Co., I’d like a timeline.
This timeline should answer such questions as:
- Where is the hosted WordPress platform going? More/less CMS-ish?
- What will become of WordPress MU, and how will you prioritize it?
- What are your plans for bbPress? With some more attention, it certainly would have passed the big 1.0 quite some time ago.
I’d also like to know how Akismet will evolve, what the plans are for WordPress.com, and so on – but these projects aren’t open source in the same fashion as the three points above. WordPress.com is beyond doubt a commercial project, and Akismet is that as well, although it does the blogosphere a great service.
How will you spend the money? What will the community gain?
These are warranted questions, although I’m not asking for full insight or anything – you run a company so I don’t expect that. However, Automattic’s got a lot to thank the community for, and vice versa of course. When you’re taking this kind of money it’s natural for the community to rejoice for your sake, but also be a bit cautious and nervous.
When money’s involved, anything can happen. So what’s the plan, guys?
Originally posted on January 24, 2008 @ 1:26 am