If you walked away from your job right now would you be proud of what you have done? There have been many different times in my life where I have had to walk away from something and many of those times I wasn’t satisfied with how I was leaving things. I was thinking about this a couple of weeks ago with 9rules and how I would feel if I decided to walk away from it to help it grow in new directions and realized that there is so much more that can be done with it, but I could leave knowing that I am proud of what we have accomplished.
That’s a damn good feeling. Can you say the same thing about your job? Can you say the same thing about a client that you had to drop early?
I’m thinking of all those companies that started something, but didn’t leave any legacy but that of failure and I’m not sure I could walk away from a situation like that. Of course there are times you have to realize there is nothing more that could be done so you have to leave things alone.
And no, 9rules is not in that phase or even close to it so don’t get any crazy thoughts.
Originally posted on March 9, 2006 @ 12:08 pm