Want to help out your website’s bottom line? One phrase will help you get there – ‘organic, positive traffic.’ But, as with many things, that’s easier said than done. Especially since the ideas of organic and positive are changing with the times.
Even with that, though, five ways that will immediately come to mind include hooking up your web development process with a clean reviews section, easy to find contact pages, chap options for clients and browsers, a way to open up social conversations, and the desire to update your content regularly. With those actions in place, there’s nowhere to go but up!
A Clean ‘Reviews’ Section
An average consumer knows that you can put whatever you want up about your own brand and products, which means that reading review sections about your business that were written by actual clients is much more likely to give honest information. So, if you want to be perceived as honest, make sure your ‘reviews’ section is highlighted, clean, accessible, and constantly getting new material up on it to show that you have a happy base of paying folks that are willing to stand up for your brand.
Easy-To Find Contact Pages
If someone that comes across your site can’t figure out how to contact you, that’s an immediate way to lose sales, and also a hit on your overall SEO score. Having a built-in contact section (even one that doesn’t include your email address) is one of the easiest ways to earn the trust of people stopping by who may have any kind of desire at all to ask your questions or troubleshoot some aspect of your service.
Install Chat Opportunities
Another way to open up organic, positive traffic is by allowing people to speak to you in person. Two ways of doing this through your website would be either to include a live chat option, or to have an address available where people can Skype you. Depending on the size and the scope of your business, those two options will cover a lot of practical business ground.
Open Up Social Conversations
And don’t discount public social conversations as ways to lead traffic to your site as well. By having an active Twitter account or a Facebook business page where people go to talk about your brand, you’re opening up links and SEO ‘juice’ that will improve your SERP scores all around.
Update Content Regularly
Regularly updated content will keep your site fresh, and keep Google looking at what you have to offer. If you find that traffic increases have stalled over time, that may be because some other competitor has more recent information than you. Find out what’s trending in your industry, and do some writing about it.
Originally posted on July 11, 2016 @ 10:07 pm