Back in the day I did a couple of design critiques on some sites that seemed to draw a bit of interest. I would like to get back into those because I think it helps out a lot of people. However, instead of just going straight into critiquing personal blogs again (with the ownner’s consent of course), I think I want to hit up some commercial sites first.
Anybody have some suggestions? Try not to pick a site like Slashdot where the design is so off that the only critique may be “fix everything”. And when I say “commercial” what I really mean is non-personal, so a site such as Slashdot may not be deemed commercial, but is safe to critique.
And yes I know that many of you feel that you have to maintain certain qualities to perform a proper critique, but all I can offer is what I know and what I like. So take it as an opinion or a critique, it doesn’t matter to me. I am in it for the discussion.
Originally posted on April 12, 2005 @ 10:27 am