Dear readers. My name is Thord Daniel Hedengren, and I call myself a designer, writer, and blogger. I could perhaps go on like that, but I find it boring and so do you.
I’m here to take over Wisdump, get it back on its feet for real, and then taking it up a notch. From now on you can expect regular posts on design and other Wisdump-ish things, by me and the team of writers I’ll build. Some you’ll know, others will perhaps be new to you. I’ll be sure to present them later on, of course. I’m not that egocentric…
So who am I? Well, if you really want to know, do hop over to my blog, at, and read up. In short, I’ve been doing a bunch of blog designs lately, as well as worked with branding within Splashpress. The web’s been my livelihood since 1998, and I do mean livelihood. I’ve been a freelance journalist, published several magazines, a book, a pen-and-paper role-playing game, and done bunch of videogames websites – among other things. In Swedish, so you would probably not know anything about it. Take my word for it.
You might, however, remember my name from The Blog Herald, 901am, and a bunch of footers on blogs and sites I’ve been involved in for design purposes. Or from BloggerTalks, perhaps, what do I know.
But I digress.
While I have a vision for Wisdump, I’ll be wanting to hear from you guys as well, reader input is important to me.
So what do you want from Wisdump? Speak up.
Originally posted on November 2, 2007 @ 1:54 am