A common entry you see on many web design blogs is the one where people are looking for inspiration when getting ready to tackle a new design. While I don’t advise looking at other sites before you begin to design your own, for some people this works really well. What I never see though is people recommending any Flash sites to look at. I wonder if most CSS/XHTML designers still hold a grudge (or whatever you wish to call it) against Flash sites because many of them still are nightmarish to say the least.
For example I love to look at 2advanced or Joshua Davis from an information design perspective (along with a visual design perspective) and see how I can learn from them. Granted most Flash sites I come across serve absolutely no purpose on the web, but I think if more designers open their minds to checking out the good ones then their designer inspiration toolbox will become that much more valuable.
Originally posted on September 13, 2010 @ 1:41 pm