Yesterday when I wrote about advertising on Whitespace for a year I had a couple people ask if we would also provide design services for their ads. What makes textads so appealing to companies and banners unappealing is that most people just don’t have the resources to design great banner ads and this got me thinking why I haven’t seen any designer specifically market their services as a banner designer?
At Work Boxers I discuss the effect design has on CTR and to me it only makes sense that someone in this industry become the expert of banner design. I am sure there are many people that can design a pretty ad, but can you design an effective ad? What if you could guarantee that your ads would get X% CTR for your clients assuming the ad placement is right?
Now this may never replace designing whole websites as your #1 revenue stream, but with the increase in banner ads on the web I definitely see a market for it. One of the perks of the new 9rules Ad Network is that we will list the members who offer banner design services so clients aren’t left designing ineffective ads for themselves and walking away upset with the poor ROI.
If you already offer design services how much harder would it be to add a banner design section and push that a bit? Competition will always be strong in the design industry so it only makes sense for designers to start finding niches where their services are needed.
Originally posted on January 12, 2006 @ 12:23 pm