The blogosphere could be a lot prettier if bloggers just utilized the included options in their blog software, and in their themes. I’ve spoken about ugly listings and what to do to make them more pretty, now it’s time for images.
In my opinion, images are great for making longer blog post seem more attractive. You can use them to lighten a post, illustrate a point, or just capture the reader’s eye.
Take Wisdump for example. While the design of the current version is far from optimal, it utilizes images for just about every post, and makes sure to display them in the listing. This is of course to make you see the post, the eye goes for the image rather than the text, and hopefully this will spark your interest.
It works. Take my word for it.
What it also does is that it lightens our listings, and the posts themselves as well. It’s a lot more pleasant to read blog posts with images, than long chunks of text without anything to soften things up.
Wether you use your images to prove a point, or just to offer a sensible distraction from the masses of brilliant content you’ve got, it will be worth it since the look and feel of your blog will improve.
Finding images isn’t very hard either, as Skelliewag points out in a great post on using Flickr images.
Are you using images to prettify your blog? And if you do, are your doing a good job?
Originally posted on December 7, 2007 @ 12:41 am