Marketing your organization will always involve the use of the internet. Without an online presence, your business is less than relevant to the industry in which you are operating. Technology heads the world’s communication standards, and your marketing plan must account for the rapidly changing nature of technology.
Building a successful business website is always a work in progress. There is always something more you can do to optimize the design of your site. Take a moment of your time to invest in your future success, and check out some SEO tips that will boost your website’s visibility and overall effectiveness.
First things first
The first action you can take towards the betterment of your website’s design is to learn everything there is to know about search engine optimization. SEO is specifically driven towards understanding how the internet sorts, ranks, and identifies websites for web users.
Once you fluently speak the language of SEO, you will see your web design through different eyes. SEO is an evolving set of concepts, so make sure to keep your knowledge current.
Encourage communication
Communication is an obvious aspect of marketing and visibility. You should incorporate it all throughout the design of your website.
In addition to a stellar “Contact Us” page, your website should make other efforts to connect with web users. Check out the extra effort this example page provides on their contact page. Without even scrolling down the page, visitors have three different ways to contact the business.
Optimize your design for mobile access
One of the notable shifts in recent technology is that people no longer access the internet the same way. Instead of using a personal computer or laptop, the majority of web users now use some form of mobile device for access.
Smartphones, iPads, tablets, and other mobile devices make it possible for people to stay connected almost anywhere they go. This means designing for a much smaller screen, and optimizing for loading speed.
Integrate social media sharing buttons
Social media is a super hub for communication and visibility. Sharing happens in the blink of an eye, and the right information can result in an influx of hits almost instantaneously. It is absolutely imperative that your business website include the use of social media share buttons.
Place social media share buttons throughout your business blog posts, on your contact page, on the homepage, and wherever else you deem it necessary. People need the ability to share on a whim.
Take the time to research proper keyword terms and phrases
SEO is largely based on the proper use of keyword terms, phrases, and saturation. To rank higher in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), you need to be easily identifiable to the algorithm of Google’s search engine.
Learn the power of keyword saturation and other aspects of using the right terms and phrases to build more visible content.
Originally posted on March 22, 2018 @ 4:14 pm