First off blogging and Seo is not for morons. If you are going to enter the game you better show up. My greatest weakness and almost a trademark is my inability to spell correctly. I can actually spell alright its my ability to proof anything that gets me into trouble.
Some popular gurus in the blogging scene like to run around spouting their wisdom in the SEO scene, most of the time they are entirely wrong. I won’t point out any blatant wrongs but will share with you a few things that will take your blogging to the next level.
Let’s go over a popularly debated topic. Paid Links.
Links are like the intercourse of the internets. Do you really want to pay for links? Just asking. Didn’t mean to offend anyone. Google doesn’t like prostitution but more than likely they won’t penalize those who buy links they will just totally discredit those who are out there selling their link space.
Why don’t they discredit link buyers?
If Google started discrediting bought links then it would be pretty easy for the competion to go out and buy links on obvious link sellers. And then report the link buyers as spammers and watch Google nail em.
Next Question, Site Wide Links or Post Level Links?
Google does not penalize site wide links on new sites. This is a myth. Again it’s a speculated rumor and not proven fact. It could effect your sandboxing only because of the rate at which the links grew. So don’t worry no need to run around asking bloggers to take your new blog off their blogrolls. It doesn’t hurt you. In fact the more links the better. I know some would disagree but the logic just isnt their. Then all the competition would have to do is buy lots of site wide links and wait until Goog punished you and rake in the gold. This is another anti-seo myth. That is full of mularkey. Don’t panic. Take another shot of whiskey and get back to building links.
First in a series entitled SEO is not for Morons
Originally posted on June 29, 2007 @ 11:11 am