Today Scott Kidder informed me that Gawker released a new redesign of their tabloid site Sploid. I always like hearing about redesigns, especially when they concern major properties so I was very excited.
However, nothing could’ve prepared me for this one.
Now I love innovation and trying new things on boring old blog designs. The original Sploid was a step in a different direction and this one takes about five more steps out there. For the better though? I’m not quite sure.
For me it’s really, really confusing. What do I click? What do I read? Is this Sploid or Oddjack? When did these stories happen? Is the text under the picture part of the picture or a different story completely?
I don’t think you should be asking so many questions when presented with a site. Again though, I do like the risk taking of the designers. Would you attempt something like this?
Originally posted on September 8, 2005 @ 2:56 pm