Noah Stokes rants about the lack of professionalism in the web design industry. There are several reasons listed, ones involving IE6, Smashing Magazine posts, mentoring, and passion. But this first point got me thinking:
First, stop thinking your client is stupid. Your client is not stupid. I don’t care if they want an all Flash site sized at 800×600 with a dancing unicorn for the navigation. You may laugh at them behind their back, just remember, they laugh at you when OMG, your precious Tweeter is down. We are in the services industry. Get used to it. Your client is your lifeline. Show them the respect they deserve, even if they don’t deserve it.
Admit it: we’ve all mocked our clients and snickered at their choices at some point. A lot of us continue to do so.
There’s a lot to be said about the trials our kind face—dozens of comic strips tell the tale, Dilbert being the most prominent. But when did it become “cool” to act all holier-than-thou over project specifications? What sparked this trend to act like this misunderstood artist, this “chosen one” enduring torturous quests in the epic battle versus this monster of a client? Is it specific to this industry or happening elsewhere too?
Originally posted on January 18, 2011 @ 9:52 pm