9rules Network

August 26, 2004 | View Comments (18) | Category: 9rules

Summary: The 9rules site makes an appearance and seems to resemble another famous design.


9rules was the first site to launch in the network before the network was even a network. It was the first one to get dropped, replaced, dropped, and splash paged as well. Sooner or later I knew that I would have to return to it since it is the main domain and I be damned if I pull a D. Keith Robinson and have a domain with no site :-P.

When you already have 7 sites what do you do with the main site? I didn't want to just create a boring corporate type page with information, but I didn't want to make it a page that focused on just one thing.

<>p>So what did I do? I created another blog of course, because we all know you can never have enough sites to write on. Really this makes sense to me because I don't really have a personal site where I can write freely about what is on my mind. I like to keep Whitespace design focused so 9rules now gets to be my new playground.

The Killer Design

I didn't want crazy graphics. I didn't want to come up with any hot new layouts. I just wanted a design that displayed the type of designer I like to be. So really all I did was put the content up. The original had no color besides the logo (it was orange with a white background).

I felt it needed a splash of something so instead of using huge headers (the new trend) I went with ol' school tiny headers and added a huge banner type header. And what did I get?

The old Kottke design!!!

Go figure huh? I didn't feel bad though because any design that uses a simple layout, verdana, and a colored header is going to look like Kottke. Anyways, the navigation needs to be fixed and the About page sucks (I hate writing those), but everything else seems to be intact.

So if you are interested in hearing my crazy thoughts and occassional ramblings then subscribe to the feed. If you could care less well I am right there with you buddy.

The site will have all the news on the new sites launching along with my other partner sites in the works. The only time I will discuss them here is when it is related to design.

9rules Network » Not yet a country, but almost an empire.

Trackback URL: http://9rules.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/316



Great work, scrivs.

I really dig the way you organized the navigation in the right column....

I would say this is a vast improvement....

Almustafa El-Said



I like it. A lot. But I think your missing some of this 'brand recognition' that you have built around the other sites. I look at it and don't think 9rules. Kind of ironic.

Mike P. (http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/sandbox/weblog/)


Looks good, and it'll be nice to read your personal thoughts. I love your design writing, but this way we'll get to KNOW you better, as well! :)

Jeff Croft (http://jeffcroft.com)


h1, h2 {
font: 11px georgia, times new roman, serif;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;

Is what I really like (besides the big orange) design wise. That is an official 'node of inspiration'. Prepare to be hijacked (font-jacked?).

Mike P. (http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/sandbox/weblog/)


Mike: Funny as I am writing something about the whole branding right now.

Scrivs (http://businesslogs.com)


Oh goodie, I have only been hijacked once in my life. I demand royalty fees!

Scrivs (http://businesslogs.com)


"I demand royalty fees!"

= ROI on a good design decision.

Mike P. (http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com/sandbox/weblog/)


Nice work Scrivs. I always like your minimalistic designs.

Can I make a suggestion for the About page? People might be interested in why you chose the domain name. I remember back when the 9 rules were actually posted on the site (and they were pretty good as I recall). Browsing through the site I don't seem them anywhere.

Jonathan B (http://www.bloy.net)


Great idea Jonathan and I knew I had it in the plans somewhere...must've lost those plans. Silly Scrivs.

Scrivs (http://businesslogs.com)


I dig it! I actually saw the previous design that "you didn't want people to see" and this one is way cooler.

Daniel (http://blog.adion44.com)


First he starts a network, then he tries to take over the world...

Kitta (http://kitta.net)


Just a thought, why not use text instead of the image? There isn't really any need for it.

Other than that the page is very nice indeed,

The Wolf (http://www.pixelcarnage.com)


You have so many sites that I am now starting to lose track of some of them. Damn you Paul and your OCD :P

The site is looking good. Nice and simple, just the way I like it. However, your screenshot makes it look like Design By Fire, just your content isn't contained :P

I look forward to many hours sitting in front of my computer trying to catch up with the latest news on all your web sites.

Lame ass job is pure genious btw, I love it lol.

Robert Lofthouse (http://www.ghxdesign.com)


Wolf: I am not guaranteed that everyone has anti-aliasing OS capabilities so the text might not render as I would want it to. And hell I gotta have at least one graphic on the website.

Robert:heh, and that is the one site that I haven't touched since February. New one coming soon...

Scrivs (http://businesslogs.com)


I haven't been around much lately, but it's good to see the progress. But, what happened to the nine rules? Uh oh.

I expect 14 sites by 2005 and 42 by mid-2005. (^_^)>



where are the 9 rules? Were they like the 10 commandments or something?

Now about the new design... Well I like it. I think it would look better if you remove the 1 pixel black line under the orange header. Why is the M in man in caps?

John Serris (http://phonophunk.phreakin.com/)


Maybe the 9 rules were for the 9 sites that are going to make up the network John?

I thought that'd be obvious...

AkaXakA (http://akaxaka.gameover.com)


actually originally 9rules was supposed to be Scrivs' web design company... But he had to kill the business for a while, so the 9 rules fell by the wayside.

And yeah, there were really 9 rules. You can still read them here, though the details on #2 seem to not be archived... the rest work.

JC (http://thelionsweb.com/weblog)

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