March 29, 2005

Join the 9rules Network: Round 1

You have a blog and there are some goals you would like to accomplish:

Maybe you only want one of the items listed above or maybe you want all of them. In any case that is what the new 9rules Network is for. Here are some of the details:

Now I have already written about this over at Work Boxers to get a sample test of interest and the results have been overwhelming. To control the chaos a bit better we are going to open the window for applicants for a set amount of time. Next Wednesday (April 6, 2005) at 12:00am Eastern, we will post an application form on the 9rules site where you can submit your site(s) for review. Only a set number of sites will be allowed into the network for this first round because we want to be able to provide the best service possible to them. The form will be up for 24 hours.

So if you think you might be interested make sure that your site has been updated with quality content and feel free to ask questions in the comments.

More details later.

Posted by Scrivs at March 29, 2005 03:00 PM


#1 | Bryan (

So, is there a cost involved at some point?

#2 | Scrivs (

As mentioned above it will be revenue sharing model, but works in the owner's favor. No cost to join. Maybe down the road for other rounds, but not for the first round.

#3 | Dustin Diaz (

...Sounds...interesting. I'll just be sure to keep posted on further details. This sounds like something that can really benefit the little guys (yea, the one's who “didn't” go to SxSW).

#4 | James Archer (

What kind of sites are you looking for in this network? Is it a free-for-all, or is there some sort of overall theme to it (business, design, web, etc.)?

#5 | Scrivs (

Dustin, it works very well for the little person looking to get a boost because we all know it's not as easy as it used to be to make a name for yourself.

James, basically we are up to looking at anything with decent content so if you have some ideas don't hesitate to submit them.

#6 | James Archer (

Cool. Once you've got that application up, I'll be all over it.

#7 | Britt (

Hmmm. April 6. Yes, I'm starting to see the connection now. 9rules. 8 simple rules. Revenue sharing. It's all clear to me now. Why didn't I see it before? Genius. Pure genius.

Will it help if I slide a Franklin in with my application?

#8 | Scrivs (

Much cheaper to just write quality content :-)

#9 | Dan

Any restrictions for blogs with adult content?

#10 | Scrivs (

All sites will be evaluated on an individual basis.*

*yeah I know it sounds like corporate speak, but it's the truth.

#11 | Colin D. Devroe (

Dan, I would say that Adult Content is preferred - but that's only personal preference. :)

#12 | Paul (

Will sites in the network have to display some form of ads? I'd like to increase traffic to my blog but I'm not too keen on commercialising it in any way or making money from it.

#13 | Dustin Diaz (

Does my end need to generate revenue? I mean, yea, money is good... but I don't think I would be in it for that.

...Cause this definitely looks like something I'd like to be a part of.

#14 | Scrivs (

Well part of the goal is to help direct your site towards making money through quality content. So no the site doesn't have to be generating any money now currently. Our focus is on what content you are offering.

Understandably, not everyone would like to join to make money and we would be offering solutions for you as well.

#15 | Andrew (

I'll think about it.

#16 | Al Abut (

How will you generate revenue? Advertising? I've been trying to go all Kottke-esque and do only Amazon and iTunes referrals, just because I don't see how to integrate ads without making the layout look like ass. I'd be cool perhaps with a Daring Fireball-style of sponser boxes, that seems more discrete and useful.

#17 | piers (

Integrating ads into a site is pretty damn hard. One of the few sites that have done it well is Penny Arcade, where "Gabe" draws the ads himself. If you're a talented web- or graphic designer, then you might be able to convince a company that you should design their ads. Along with making your site look good, I imagine that the advertiser would pay you to design the ads as well as display them.

#18 | Barry Welford (

I have two independent blogs on different business blogging themes. Am I allowed to enter more than one blog?

This all looks like a great idea.


Barry Welford

#19 | Scrivs (

Submit as many sites as you would like.

#20 | Jerome (

Do you accept non-english written sites?

#21 | Shirazi (

Have I missed the chance? Wish to be on board.

#22 | Scrivs (

Yeah, you missed the chance to get in on the round 1 bandwagon, but in the future there will be other opportunities so make sure to continue to check back here.

#23 | Linds (

How do I join? How do I join?? Am I too late? Did I miss the bus?

#24 | Scrivs (

Sorry Linds, you missed the bus, but keep your eyes open for Round 2 though.

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