August 23, 2004 | Category: Blog Review

Summary: blog review.

Software engineers. I don't know if that is a sentence, but just thinking about software engineers makes me come up with so many adjectives (many not good) that I was refreshingly suprised by the writing of Alexander Johannesen.

His topics might not be of interest to a large group, but even so you should go read his writings simply for entertainment value. Alex seems to bring a unique voice to his blog, which is sorely needed by many others. An example:

Maybe it's just me not grasping how the world works or something, but this incredibly strong focus on anti-human parlance and functionality is so darn wrong! It is why usable design processes (See! I just did it again!) appealed to me in the first place; getting away from a hierarchical description of processes ('The implicating supervisor for this process of structured governance reports to the requirements specifyer on specific events of process control.') for simple stuff that really amounts to "Send Bob an email when its done".

The site focuses on software engineering, topic maps (love those), IA and ID. If any of these topics interest you than I suggest you go scroll through his archives as his writings are poignant (first time I ever used that word!) and unique.


When you write some of the articles you write at such a high quality and get low traffic, understandably it can be quite frustrating. Just stick with it. If you want you can always submit some of those to FG if you like ;-).

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