CSSVault has moved

February 01, 2004 | View Comments (9) | Category: CSS Vault

Summary: The CSSVault moves to its new domain.

Well the move should be complete. You can now find the vault at cssvault.com. I implemented the redirect code that Travis Cripps pointed out in the comments. However, I had to remove it because I realized that it does nothing for the RSS feeds which is what most people use. So for now the redirect rule has not been implemented because I think I should wait a couple of days so that everyone gets the new updates for their feeds. So update your bookmarks and if you have linked to the CSSVault on your site I would be forever grateful if you could update your links.

Monday comes the launch of a new project that the whole community can get involved in. Stay tuned...

UPDATE: Stupid ass me forgot to thank the kind person who is hosting the vault again. So if you wish to give thanks to this kind person you can just say "Thanks D!" in the comments.

Trackback URL: http://9rules.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/132



weird... :-X

  • CSSVault has moved (info)

  • Tom


    Oops, I'm sorry. I didn't think lists would be allowed.

    Well, I meant to point out this error:



    Yeah, that's because of the RSS Feed template wasn't really meant for regular entries.

    Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


    Thanks D!
    Muchas Gracias
    Merci Beaucoup

    3 hooray's for D,
    whoever he might be.
    (feeling very poetic this morning)

    Jay (http://www.brainstir.be)


    Paul, perhaps you can add this to the RewriteRule Travis posted:


    This tells the browser that the document is moved permanently (the 301 code), that it should go to that location (instead of displaying the page under that URI, that just might happen) and that this is the end of the rewriting (L).

    And D: thanks!

    Mark Wubben (http://neo.dzygn.com)


    Mark: I forgot to mention that I did include that piece of the code. It's just that when you use it (all the code that is) it redirects any attempts to the new domain, even from newsreaders, but newsreaders do not pickup the new feeds.

    Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


    Thanks D!



    FYI, I'm not seeing the thumbnail images in the feed any more; just the filename.

    Is there some apache config. blocking direct links?

    Is this a bug in Bloglines, or do other RSS readers have the same behavior.

    Joe Grossberg (http://www.joegrossberg.com)


    Hmmm, I really don't know that much about RSS feeds Joe. I didn't even know you could see the thumbnail images in the feeds to begin with. I will have a look at it and see what I can figure.

    Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)

    Keep track of comments to all entries with the Comments Feed