The Rookie

November 04, 2003 | View Comments (20) | Category: CSS Vault

Summary: The beginning of the CSS Vault.

The Story (aka. the fiction part)

I wanted to be a web designer. I wanted to create beautiful sites that the world would love. I wanted to be a great designer. I wanted to build off the wonderful creations of the designer before me. I wished to use CSS to create these site because inside I knew it was right. I saw the power that CSS had, but was unable to find a large number of sites that were beautiful and used CSS. Sure there were many blogs, but what real-world impact did those have when showing my manager? I was tired of being a rookie in the game of web design.

I was a beginner and understood very little about design. I knew even less about CSS. Everyday I visited my favorite independent publishers and they were listing great new CSS resources. Sometimes I would forget to bookmark these resources and was unable to find them later. Other times I did bookmark them and my bookmarks became a huge mess no matter how well I tried to organize them. I searched for a site that listed CSS resources that I would find useful. I couldn't find anything.

How was I supposed to become this great CSS designer if I couldn't find enough CSS sites or resources to help me grow. As a rookie it is daunting coming in and attempting to develop using CSS. Tables just made so much sense. What are these floats that everyone speaks of? Why doesn't IE 6 render my website like Firebird? Box model hack? Do I look like a programmer? I just simply did not understand CSS. I was the rookie.

Then I found it. A place that had a CSS Gallery where beautiful sites were listed. I could draw great inspiration from these sites and surely I would be on my way to greatness. However, design was only half of the formula. This wonderful place also listed CSS Resources that kept track of these things so I didn't have to. I was now able to start my journey as a CSS designer without fear. All thanks to the CSS Vault.

The Truth

Please excuse my attempt at being creative with the fiction :) The CSS Vault is real though. I have created something that we can all use hopefully. The site is in its infant stages and there are many more items to be added. Some of us are simply gods when it comes to CSS and design and others are like me and seem to always forget how to use CSS and what creativity is when developing new sites. I hope the Vault can be used as a great source of inspiration. There are many "design" sites out there that showcase great looking websites, but none seem to solely focus on CSS designs. We all know CSS is the future and it is time the spotlight was brought to sites that use it. It's also time to have a repository of CSS resources so that we do not continue to reinvent the wheel over and over again.

For a while I can pretty much guarantee that the site will be updated every day because like I said before there is just so much stuff that needs to be added. For now just sit back and enjoy the show.

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Nice going! CSS Vault is an awesome idea. Why didn't I think of it first?!

The site itself is beautiful and "a source of inspiration". Clean and cool. As for the content, you have me sold as a regular visitor.

Just a query. What is the basis/criteria for the selection of resources and articles? I suppose its a moot question. Whatever is good for you, is more than fine for me.

Keep up the good work!

Sunny (


Great idea and great design. It's already in my bookmarks and I expect to visit often.

But there's no description of the site's function on the homepage? This is a great resource, make that clear from the get-go.

Clint (


Clint: You are right on that one. LIke I said right now it is a work in progress, but thanks for the words.

Sunny: Resources aren't as selective as the Gallery. Resources I just put up that help teach us about some aspect concerning CSS so it is pretty much almost anything goes when it comes to the resources. I have plenty more to post, but if I post them all at once MovableType thinks it would be funny to just put them all on the homepage.

Scrivs (


Just wanted to let you konw that the links at the very top are stacked vertically in Opera 7.21, not horizontally like in IE. I dont know which is right, but I though I would let you know. Great looking site and a great resource by the way.

Josh (


Josh: Thanks. Should be working now.

Scrivs (


You say: "...but if I post them all at once MovableType thinks it would be funny to just put them all on the homepage."

So why use MoveableType for it?

Like the design.

Joel (


Because it's easy :) Also what I just mean is that over time the homepage will condense. It's just that MT only separates entries by days so I can restrict the last "x" number of days shown. However, if I post everything in one day it will show everything for that one day.

Scrivs (


You can't restrict the last x postings? odd....

JC (


Scrivs, you can set it up to do last x instead of last x days...

... listings/archive pages

Derek (


Woops, it's eating the MT tags...


Derek (


Ahhh, well done Derek. Nothing like a little research.

Scrivs (


Crap... never mind. Just look at the link I posted... :)

Derek (


Hehe, I got it figured out...thanks again.

Scrivs (


Nice work Mr Scrivs!! I agree with Sunny, the site itself is clean and beautiful. Suprised to hear that there have been nay-sayers, There is a need for this site, especially as it has an xml feed.

There are some sites in there that i've not come across - thanks!

Jon Hicks (


Thanks a lot Jon. Everyone knows how smart Sunny is so we should all believe him :)

Scrivs (


Thank goodness.

Alanna (


Now this is a brilliant idea. One-stop shopping for CSS information AND inpiration! Good show, Scrivs!

Louis (


Hmmm, it seems Zeldman has started a new feature on his website called CSS Smorgasbord...I still like the CSSVault waaaay better.

Scrivs (


V.Nice... duly bookmarked


Claire (


Some nice stuff you got on your site Claire. I will be sure to add it to the vault.

Scrivs (

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