I am better at holding my breath

April 18, 2004 | Category: Design

Summary: Just a small rumble.

I leave you with these words from Jason Fried in last year’s article at Under the Iron:

It’s the little things that really make or break the UI. The alignment, the type size, the perfect words, etc. I don’t feel like there was a moment when I “got it” — I’ve always felt this way. And, that�s not to say that I’m right, it�s just my opinion.

To me, UI design is common sense. It�s about respect. It’s the right word, the right color, the right shape, the right control at the right time. It’s about respecting the person who is going to use the UI.

UI design is both an art and a science. And when I say art, I don’t mean �pretty happy art project art� I mean it’s flexible. It’s ever changing. There’s no always.

Redesigning your personal site takes patience. That’s all I have to say.

Oh the original title for this piece was going to be “I am better at holding my breath under water for longer than 2 minutes than trying to avoid writing for 2 weeks.”

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