April 11, 2005


In what many people in private have called my competition I would like to think of as a site that took a concept and pushed it to the next level. I am sure there were some CSS galleries before me and we all know that there were certainly some after me, but Stylegala I think was the first to bring respect to CSS designers in the graphic design world.

Flash-based, table-based, and straight-up graphic designers always had their portals to lean on (eg. k10k, Newstoday, etc.), but as CSS designers I think we were always having to read multiple sites to get our fix of gallery, news and community. David obviously had a vision when he started Stylegala (which he mentioned to me many times) and that was to take the site beyond just being a showcase gallery.

I don't know why I am even writing this (maybe because I never say thanks as often as I would like), but after randomly going to the site I realized how special it has become. To everyone that has put in the work to make that a great site and to David who steers the ship I have to give a hats off to you. Thank you.

And it should go without saying that Dave Shea is the one that really started this off (in my opinion) with the CSS Zen Garden.

Posted by Scrivs at April 11, 2005 12:17 AM


#1 | Brady J. Frey (http://www.dotfive.com)

I love that site, and I visit it often, but I've tapered it down lately -- not so much for the issue (posted recently with one of their entries) of some quality designs, with poor coding -- but I remember a while back they posted one of their own sites for entry.

It's their site, they have a right to do it -- it's just a peeve in the writing industry to do that. Similar to being a self-appointed editor then publishing an article in your company owned magazine -- it is frowned upon in the writing industry, though it doesn't hold the same ideals here, I tend to look at it from that point of view.

#2 | Dave S. (http://www.mezzoblue.com/)

"And it should go without saying that Dave Shea is the one that really started this off (in my opinion) with the CSS Zen Garden."

Cool, thanks. Not sure I'd completely agree... slightly different focus and all. But hey, I'll take it.

And, StyleGala rocks.

#3 | David (http://www.stylegala.com)

thank you.

#4 | Radek Karban (http://www.webdesign-reklama.cz/seo-optimalizace-pro-vyhledavace.phtml)

My opinion about stylegala is, that there arent the best css webs, but mostly only the submitted web. So I dont think that is searchable here the best css web sites. Isnt it ?

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