About Me

January 26, 2004 | View Comments (11) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: The About Me Page

Here are the answers to the questions. Not much left to hide after this. It was great fun and I appreciate everyone taking the time to ask them. More than likely I have killed all pre-conceived notions you had of me. But, as I like to say, "It is what it is."

Personal Information

My name is Paul Scrivens and I am 23 years old. I live in Tampa, Florida. I wear mostly boxers, unless I am playing soccer, then it's boxer briefs all the way. I am not married or have any kids. Depending on the topic I am either liberal or conservative. Never really cared for politics.

Pics of me

Favorite color is red. Favorite sport is soccer (futbol). Favorite food is sushi (all kinds).

I use Windows, Mac, and Linux and they each serve their purpose equally well for me.

What kind of music do you like most?

Would have to go with hip-hop on that one.

Who is your hero?

Can't say I have one. The people I respect the most however are definitely my parents.

Pink or Salmon?

Hmmm, both of those colors suck, but if I had to choose I guess pink. Salmon gives me a weird smell in my head.

How do you spend your free time?

During the day either working on projects or playing soccer. At night I am in the clubs.

How come I can't find your mugshot?

When I get that new digital camera I will post all the pics of me you want.

What is your Social Security Number?

It's that one that starts with 5.

Do people that ask too many questions annoy you?

Only when you can tell they haven't put the work in finding the answers themselves.

Do you dress to the left or to the right?

To the left, I think.

Career Information

How long have you been a web designer?

I have been designing websites since 1998. I have been seriously designing websites since late 2002.

How did you get into web design?

Really I just thought it would be cool to make something that anyone in the world could see so I built one...and it sucked.

Are you more technical or more artsy?

I would have to say technical although I wish I was more artsy. When I design it is really mathematical in that I like clean lines and a solid grid structure.

Where have you learned the design skills you now possess?

Simply studying other people's sites. Not looking at how good they look, but figuring out why they look so good. Other than that, just design like there is no tomorrow. Practice definitely makes better.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years regarding web design?

In 5 years I hope to just be designing websites for fun. I have some other businesses that I am currently starting to work on to try to take me beyond the financial limits that most web designers see. Hopefully, after that I can just design for design's sake.

In your opinion, what are the most important guiding principles (other than the freelance designer's motto: "Get half up front") to bear in mind when designing a website for a client?

If you feel you are capable enough to take someone's money and design a website for them, then you should go beyond giving them their money's worth. If you are hesitant about your abilites, try not to sell yourself short. And lastly, if you act like a professional you will be treated like a professional.

When designing one for yourself?

Enjoy yourself and try to keep it down to 27 redesigns per year.

What do you do for a living, any full time job? Looking for work? Freelancing?

At the moment I collect pennies to buy lottery tickets.

Earning a Masters in MIS would seem to indicate you have a natural mindset toward logical reasoning. If that's the case, why such an interest in design which requires a 180 degree mindshift?

Why not just earn a masters in design instead?

The passion for real design didn't come until later in life. I am a computer geek though so it was MIS.


What are your long term goals for White Space

When people think of a site where they can go to get useful information on web design, I want this site to be in the top 3. I want this site to become a site where people trust the information. I also want it to be a place where people go to have great discussions about whatever the topic of the day is.

Why "Whitespace"?

Because I always thought it was the most effective element of design that was not utilized enough or not properly used. It embodies clarity and simplicity and it lets people know what this site is about.

What is Whitespace?

For me it is the ability to make empty space play a role in bringing out the message in a design without having to use cheap tricks.

So why is Whitespace also red and gray?

Just happened to be the colors of the day.

Design Tastes

Do you think you will ever design with graphics or are you strictly text kinda guy?

I prefer to stick mostly with text with small graphics here and there, but maybe that is due to my lack of creativity when it comes to graphics. I just try to make the content presentable.

Do you ever laugh at how bad some people's web designs are, especially those of fellow designers? If not, why not?

I laugh at those who believe they have created the world's greatest website. If someone admits to pouring their heart and soul into something, then no I will not laugh as most of the time I have no room to talk. But if you come up to me telling me how killer your work is and it is garbage, well you get the idea.

Scrivs, the Evaluator

If you are going to move forward with your idea of "evaluating" - what are your credentials for being a good evaluator?

Good question. Guess we will see when the next evaluation comes out this week.

Will you post your portfolio and open it to be evaluated by others?

When the day comes that I can admit to doing such horrible work in the past I will be more than happy to.

If it didn't go as good as it apparently did with Zeldman, and he posted a public challenge to you on his blog to do better - would you have been up to the challenge?

It would have been fun, but I understand that we are two different creative types. My site would have looked nothing like his and would have appealed to a different type of crowd. He got the artsy genes. He experiments and colors outside the lines, I have to stay within them.

My Comp

What programs do you use?

What is your PC configuration?

As of this writing my main machine is an AMD XP 2000+, 1024 MB Ram, 2 60 GB Hard Drives, CD Burner, DVD-Rom and 21" Monitor.

Crazy Questions

Have you ever been arrested?


Have you ever been to a strip club?

Ummmm, yeah. Can't call yourself a man till you have.

Have you ever had violent thoughts when dealing with clients?

Not yet.

Have you ever been married only to have your wife run off with a friend?

Man that would suck. No.

Have you every said "I love you" just to get a girl in the sack?

Never needed to ;)

Have you ever been considered insane?

Better question would be does anyone consider me sane?

Where were you on the night of December 17th, 1997?

Chillin man, just chillin.

Word Game

  1. Car: VW
  2. Snow: Too cold
  3. Coffee: Disgusting
  4. Apple: Drool
  5. Chocolate: Women
  6. "Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!": Ex-girlfriend
  7. "For Aiur!": No hablo espanol :)
  8. Brain Tumour: Sucks
  9. West Wing: TV Show
  10. Rambaldi: Pasta made by Rambo

The Tortoise and Me

You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise, Paul. It's crawling towards you. You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back.

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can't, not without for your help. But you're not helping.

Why is that Paul?

A man's gotta eat, right?

That's all I got for you. If you want to see the original question post you can check it out yourself.

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I've really make me laugh. :)

By the way...

"Try to keep it down to 27 redesigns per year."

No, it's my site. I'm gonna redesign and nobody gonna stop me. :P

"...my lack of creativity when it comes to graphics."

You don't need them. Believe me.

Gaspar (http://511.blogspot.com)


The many of us thank you for your frank answers. Well except for one, he says you didn't go indepth enough. The rest of us laid the smack down on him though.



hmm... a man's gotta eat? Does that mean you're not human? Isn't that one of the testing questions from blade runner or something? I forget...

JC (http://www.thelionsweb.com/weblog)


I'm human alright. I just felt bad for the tortoise, but I mean, I am in a desert so I gotta be hungry. No where is the water.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Awesome stuff. Shame more of this humour doesn't come through in your other posts.

I mean... "Pasta made by Rambo"? Comedy Gold.

Jack (http://boxofjack.com/)


Well not too much humor in web design you know? Thinking about maybe starting a personal site just so I could ramble. People who speak with me in the real world, on IM, and through email get to see more of who I am. The whitespace audience gets the "professional" guy persona.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Coffee: Disgusting

Ok. I'm going to pretend I didn't read that and come back here tomorrow. Everything will be allright then... yes...

sergio (http://overcaffeinated.net)


Wahey! As a brit I'm delighted to read of your passion for (ahem) 'soccer', seriously. If you fancy a game over here, I'm sure my team, the world's oldest (and crappest these days) Notts County FC would give you a game. Hell, they'd be better with my Dad in defence...

Colly (http://www.yah.org.uk)


Wow, it's great to see so many of the original questions answered! (although I didn't need to know about your underwear ;))

David House


Heh. Good answers. Never would have thought hip-hop was your musical style. =)

Ryan Parman (http://www.skyzyx.com)


Well I guess I should throw in the fact that my dad is black and my mom is white, so that kills another misconception about this community ;)

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)

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