GMail Invite

June 15, 2004 | View Comments (97) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: I have a GMail invite so let's have some fun.

I have a GMail invite that I need to get rid of and who else better to give it to than a reader of Whitespace? I came up with a lot of interesting little contests like "Guess How Many Words Have Been Typed Since This Blog Began" and "First Person Still Capable of Creating Something Nice From Frontpage" and my fav "Person Who Has Gone the Longest Without Mentioning Web Standards in Their Design Blog". In the end I just came up with whoever has the best pickup line involving web design/development for attracting someone in a bar (or anywhere).

At the end of the day I will email the winner. Have fun. It's Tuesday.

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Hey camwhore, blog here often?

Colin D. Devroe (


there are no standards to describe your beauty, baby!

Hayo (


Heeeyyy...., right? I just read your profile yesterday.. you have a seriously fine design.

JC (


Like CSS? Well you can put your style on my sheets anytime



I read whitespace... do you?

{if they don't... why would you want to even talk to them...}

shoden (


so, is that an exernal style sheet, or are you just happy to see me?

jblount (


Haha, man you guys are quick and funny today. Guess I should try my hand at it.

"I can get you in the Vault"

Scrivs (


"Hey, baby... Can we hook up, or does your ISP block port 23? We could always set up a proxy. I've got a great, big proxy."

Chris Vincent (


Not web design, but could be effective.

"I have a GMail invite..."

Scrivs (


Wanna touch my white space?

Bryan Peters (


"Hey there. Mind if I check to see if you have a compliant box model?"



Jeff Croft (


I couldn't help noticing your RUBY red lips. And when I saw that delicious PEAR, I had to come over. You look like someone who appreciates good coding. I'm an expert on the back end... and I've got PERL... licked.

JC (


"Hey, nice pair of selectors. Looks like your padding is set to 0, too. Care to start a font-family?"

Jay Small (


Hey Babe, I really feel we hit it off pretty good tonight, maybe sometime we could spend sometime and really get under each others cascading style sheets?

Kjell Olsen (


"If that dress was a selector, I'd set the display of it to none."


"Damn girl yo've got a great body. Be lucky that god didn't set the overflow of them curves to hidden."

Ryan (


Considering I haven't seen (m)any responses from women, I've got to throw in a 'web design' rejection from the ladies' perspective.

"Honey, size *does* matter."


Erin (


Erin -- and it ain't measured in px or pt? heh

JC (


I'd like to get you between the (style) sheets.


I'd like to apply some class to that <body> of yours.



I'll stop there.

Bill (


"click here"

okay, it's a design no-no, but appropriate

Patrick Fitzgerald (


do {
while (len($allNight)

Hmm... doesn't work.
syntax is probably bad... Or maybe it's my personality?

JC (


I think with a few more posts you could select the best ones and create the "9rules" to picking up a web designer.



okay, inspired by Jeff

"Honey, if IE gets your box model wrong, I don't want to be right!"

Hayo (


do {
while (len($allNight)<"$long");

Hmm... doesn't work.
syntax is probably bad... Or maybe it's my personality?

JC (


The younger a girl, the bigger the padding.

coubertin119 (


"Hello gorgeous. I don't need to check the validator, because your markup is definately well formed."



"You're so damn alternative and so damn preferred! Non standards compliency never looked so good [a.k.a. I wish IE was so rock'n'roll cool]"


"With those attributes, can I be your property evermore?"

and finally, (how can you resist?)

"Firefoxy lady" =)

Mike (


Wanna style my block element?

Ben (


Your <body> is compliant to my standards.



body {
position: fixed;
body:hover {
position: relative;
color: red;
body:hover:active {
color: purple;
counter-increment: 1;
voice-volume: x-loud;
body:hover:active::after {
position: absolute;
color: white;
background-color: pink;
body:visited {
voice-volume: softer;

Moose (


This is too dorky and too much fun ...

"You wanna do it right here on the table? Well, you know, tables weren't originally designed for people to have sex on ... oh the hell with that!"

B. Adam (


So instead of dancing around this issue of our vertical alignment, why don't we engage in a more relaxing horizontal position?

Matthew Oliphant (


I love your padding, I love your style. Shall we just skip navigation and go straight to what makes us content?

Peter (


Let's go back to my place, redesign a site using web standards and fuck.

What - you don't like web standards?

Jemaleddin (


Good one, Peter.

"I'll update your content for free... where would you like me to insert this?"

JC (


You know, if you set your top padding to 20, and my bottom padding to 15, we might make a good porn movie.

Bryan (


"You RSS a sexy little thing, aren't you? Mind if I ping you?"

B. Adam (


"I've got my line-height set to 2 so you can read between the lines: you totally match my selector! "

Jan! (


Okay, Iast one:

"I know Jakob Nielsen."

B. Adam (


"....So give me a call sometime."

"...What? My URL? My title?"

"...No, no need for those. Just 'google' my header. it's so big, you wont miss it. *wink*"



"I know I said I was strict. . .
But if admiring your open tags is wrong,
I don't wanna be right!"



You make me feel... extensible.

After seeing you in that dress, I have a whole new appreciation for popups.

I love a girl with an alert box. Why don't we drop down and select a relative position before we submit?

JC (


#meandyou:before {
  content: "Damn baby you're fine.";

#meandyou {
  margin-top: 9in;
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-top: 9in;
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-top: 9in;
  content: "all nigt long";

#meandyou:after {
  content: "Well I think you need to get going.";

Ryan (


"No baby...
Where I come from, it's XXXML."



Pick-up lines are retarded. Here's the worst I could think of:

"I think you and me have some sort of link. Let's div those legs and make the hidden visible. I'm going to make you float."

"Want to go back to my place and read one of my scripts?"

These are so bad that I feel ill.

David Barrett (


Hey cutie, for you I'd be tempted to float on over and set my margin to zero.

Man, I feel corny now. :)

Jennifer Grucza (


*mesmerized and kneeling *
"My God, I've found the 'Holy Grail!' "



Ok, really, last one:

"Wanna have my child selector?"

B. Adam (


OK, you're a box model hack, your width and padding are all wrong, but I love your style and I'm desperate. Let's get embedded.

Peter (


Who needs lots of class when I have lots of style!

*coughs and dies of her own corniness*

Lea (


Hey baby -

Why wait for that GMail loser when you can have 100 megs of Yahoo mail now?


Mark (


"Hey, you want an usabilitytest if your backend?"

Sjors (


Sorry the previous had a typo.

"Hey, you want an usabilitytest of your backend?"

Sjors (


Great ems. Let's f*ck!

Peter (


you can style my content anytime baby!

Jay (


"Your <body> has some nice attributes."

Sjors (


"how about we clear:both; our schedules for tonight?"

Phil Baines (


"How 's about we go to back to my place and collapse our margins?
And stacking order is negotiable..."



"Hey girl, i'm from the W3C, gimme some head and i shall validate your body!"

Damn this is getting worse

Jay (


Why do I have the funny feeling some of you actually try these in real life?

Scrivs (


* I want to mark you up!
* Feel like a little refactoring?
* Your useability match my accessibility.
* Those are the nicest forms I've ever had the pleasure of parsing.
* If beauty is observed in the box-model, you are the one-line cornered-box.
* You're beauty has no 1x1 pixel!
* You give me the asterix feeling.
* I want to play with your markup.

Yup, my batch of corniness. And they just might work, too.

Alex (


You've inherited some class, babe
Your style's absolutely in line
You've got the content model image
All your attributes are fine
But there's the nesting element
Me 'n u should get together
So let's float clear to the bottom
Drop down, pop out > whatever

Peter (


Oh my god, its time for me to jump in on this piece:

"Don't worry honey, I won't turn your face into a white space."


"I'm Section 508 compliant, so don't bother getting out of that chair."


"You're so fine, you turn my text-indent from negative to a positive"


"I'll shoot my wad over there, so that it'll clear: both of you"

Yeah, I realize x-rated pickup lines don't work, but oh well.



Hey, I'm sold, sailor!


Matthew Oliphant (


Not so much an entry as a comment for people who may not have seen it before



Wana validate me?



Do you know what the difference is between HTML and a blowjob?


Wanna go code?

I'm quite surprised nobody's used the phrase "fat pipe" yet.

Jim (


This one's a little harder to pull off as hardly anybody knows aural CSS, but still:

me {
    richness: 100;
    play-during: url(/mp3s/barry-white.mp3) repeat;

Jim (


I've been in therapy with Dr Zeldman and it works now! Want to give it another try?

Adrian Rinehart-Balfe (


I'm staying out of this one since I have a gmail account.

But, I did almost fall off my sofa after reading Tim's (#4). Too funny.

Nicole (


D*mn, Your "body" makes me want to "download" on your "style sheets"!

Michael (


A variation on Scrivs' attempt:

"If I let you in The Vault, how about you let me in yours?"

I have to say I like Tim's the best too.

Max (


My entries can be nullified, I guess I got too anxious and couldn't wait any longer. Went on a little scavenger hunt.

And I thought I was above all this silly gmail hype :)

B. Adam (


I can't help 'view source'-ing you, may i know your id=" "?

KevinN (


Hey baby,

Lets network your layout, because I'am ready to Cascade all over your style sheets.

Rick Blanton (


Who cares about the content, I want the layout.

Rick Blanton


Whoa those are some killer APPLETS, whatta ya say we get some HEAD and ALIGN your BODY so I can TAG your BUTTON.

Rick Blanton


I want to UPLOAD your INTERFACE with my EXTENSION and VALIDATE your BACKEND. This isn't SOFTWARE baby it's HARDWARE.

Ok I have had my fun.

Rick Blanton


The day is over and now I will close this thread and pick the winner who shall receive an email in the morning. Thanks to everyone for joining in. Had a lot of fun reading this stuff (need more of the females to represent!) and can only sincerely hope that none of you use these in real life....seriously.

Scrivs (


Thread reopened so the fun can continue without the GMail invite.

Scrivs (


I had been giving away GMAIL invites but decided today to give them to people who donate, the money going to charity.

I have other GMAIL users who are going to donate invites. So hopefully it can raise some money.

Brian (


how 'bout fak you, wanker.
send me an invite, biyatch.






So which one won?

JC (


I'm with JC.

Curiosity killed the cat, as they say.

Nicole (


Max Thrane (


"Hey baby, want me to upgrade your hard drive with a nice, big peripheral?"



please send an invite

abbas (


please send an invite

abbas (


please send invite gmail. thanks



If you were a web server i would be probing your open ports all day long...

Christopher K (


You would get more weekly hits from me than everyone else in the world if you were a website design

* Yeah, im getting a bit corny now :) *

Christopher K (


[tablehead] yes please [/th]
[td valign="bottom" bgcolor="pink"]
[input accesskey="69" src="mypants.php" align="bottom" width="20in" readonly]

Teriyaki D


hey baby, mind if i code your body on this , its got cell space for 2.



Was that Jessica Simpson on that webcam or was that you?

ClownX (


I'm giving away three, possibly more, Gmail invites:

David Barrett (


How bout me and you got post together at whitespace :)

WhitespaceFAN! (


I am a homosexual and I've never gone all the way with a woman? Not out of a complete lack of interest, but I'm ready to see how the other team lives. And I've chosen you and your precious gmail invite code gorgeous eyes!

John Egan (

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