I say one thing, you think another

May 31, 2004 | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Just clearing this issue up.

This is the last time I will go over this topic and I only do so because I am seeing too many people take it the wrong way. I blame this both on online communication and my own communication with you. This entry was not to tell everyone to stop critiquing everyone in public. I just didn't want the entry before that to become a Shea bashing session.

If you wish to publicly critique a site then I think you have every right to do so, but that's just my opinion. Freedom of speech and all that. Just don't expect the person to be too happy with it. Some designers like it, some don't. I know Shea had voiced his opposition to it, but then he opened up comments for his recent redesign so maybe he has shifted his view some for the better.

So to finish this off, if you wish to critique someone do so. Maybe send them an email or if you so desire post it, put it on your site. Your site, your voice, that is how the independent web works. Some like it. Some don't. Something we just gotta live with. No comments on this entry because it has been done to death.

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