Looking for a Job

March 16, 2004 | View Comments (58) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Scrivs is looking for a job because he punked out on the freelance world.

It finally happened. I could feel it slowly coming along last week. Clients have burned me out or the process of running one's own business has burned me out or the lack of funds because I probably do not charge clients enough for the projects has burned me out. In any case I am looking for a job in the Tampa Bay area. Am I ashamed to admit that I could not hold my own? Of course not. I just am tired of dealing with clients and I understood the chances I was taking when going on my own. I have learned so much however in this short amount of time that I am sure in no time I will be back in the "do it myself" grind again. I think next time though I will have a couple of partners along for the ride.

Maybe it is the need to seek a new challenge. I have always had this problem of bouncing around from thing to thing. I call it "living life".

I have gone from tech support to network admin to server admin to DBA to programmer to web designer and I made the transition every time because I followed my interests at the time. Now that I am almost done with my Masters I admit that I am looking for a something a little bit more than web design. Maybe Project Management where I get to play and dabble somewhat in all different areas while dealing with arrogant little programmers and designers instead of clients :)

The Drive

To run your own company or freelance it requires a certain drive within the individual. I took a mini-vacation last week and when I came back that drive has all but left me. If there was another person then I think it would be easier for someone to keep pushing you and to also handle some of the tasks that you do not like. Or you could alternate the tasks from project to project.

I had the same drive when it came to blogging and setting up this whole network of sites. Goals keep driving you towards a goal and I have reached all of them for this part of my life. I helped teach a couple people about standards. Developed a semi-popular blog along with a semi-popular web resource. Made some enemies and some friends. Got laughed at and thrown some respect. Learned a lot. No worries though, I will continue this site because it is an extension of me in some sick, geeky way.


I have always been one to enjoy new challenges. As a contract programmer I got more than enough challenges in my daily routine that I would not mind going back at all. As a web designer the challenges sometimes are non-existent due to the constraints of the client's project. Other times the challenge can be great as in "How the hell am I supposed to pull this off?"

In any case I am looking for a new challenge. I will not hide the fact that the benefits of a full-time job such as regular, consistent pay, insurance, and some 401K action are not slowly sucking me back into the darkside.
