Odds and Ends

February 29, 2004 | View Comments (11) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Letting the audience know of some upcoming 9rules events and happenings.

Just a simple reminder that today is the deadline for Version 2 February Edition. I have seen a lot of interesting interpretations so far, some really great stuff. As of right now you guys will have a tough time picking a winner.

JC is now a poster at Forever Geek and has already proven to be a great addition. Anyone else looking to jump on board just let me know. I have a feeling that this site is going to takeoff real soon.

Some stuff to look forward to in March:

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OK. So where do we go to see the Version2 submissions so that we can vote on them?

And do you have a time machine or something so that you can have 72 hrs a day? How could you possibly have the time to do four more sites (personal blog, collaboration with textbased, and two more 9rules sites)??!!?

wink (http://site-unseen.net/wink)


Ah, sleeping habits. I gave those up long ago.

Chris Vincent (http://dris.dyndns.org:8080/)


Good lord, what am I getting myself into? :)

jarrod (http://textbased.com)


Version 2 submissions will be up in a couple of days.

Sleeping habits, I honestly get about 9 hours a day. I am quite lazy in that respect.

Jarrod: Hhahahahahahaahahahhaahahahahaahah...ha.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Can’t wait to see those version 2 entries! Great work so far Scrivs :).

Vinnie Garcia (http://blog.vinniegarcia.com/)


Yes, Version 2. I meant to be in this month's edition, but too many other things happened at once. Next month for sure though.

Can't wait to see those entries!

Chris Vincent (http://dris.dyndns.org:8080/)


I can't wait to see all the entries, either. I entered. I don't think I'll win, though.

Are you going to put them up within the hour that the deadline is finished?



Unfortunately, I don't think I am that prepared yet to get them all up exactly when the deadline ends, especially since I still have some coming in. By tomorrow I will let everyone know when they will be up.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Oh, okay, I can wait until Monday.



That's good to know :P

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Oh come on, you're being too hard on yourself. You're not that pompous. ;)

Jack (http://boxofjack.com/)

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