The Real Web

November 17, 2004 | View Comments (39) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Some people don't like me and feel it's okay to write about it on their websites. Bravo!

Rob wrote an interesting piece yesterday about me that if it didn't cause a stir in this boring blogosphere before, it might cause one now. In any case I was quite pleased for two reasons to see an entry like this one.

  1. If someone actually takes the time to write a whole entry about you, well then you know you have "made it".
  2. This is what the web should be about. Open communication and the ability to share your opinions.

If I had come across this entry sometime last year I would have handled it completely different. I would have been angry and posted my own rant here. Things are different however. I always ask for these kinds of things and I finally got it. What this entry does is spark more people to write what they don't like about me and allows me to see what I can improve on. Sadly, in Rob's eyes it doesn't look like there is anything I can improve since I continue to change my mind on what I am good at and what I like. Hmmm, I wonder if Rob has liked the same cereal or girl his whole life?

But Lance has written a piece that helps me out a bit more. Let me go pull up my favorite quote from his entry:

Number one - grammar. Have you read his writing? Over at Business Logs, I read the first 5 or 6 articles written by Scrivs and haven�t gone back to read another. The grammar was terrible, the writing flowed like a 3-year-old had written it and the spelling was atrocious.

See this is something I can look at and tell myself I need to improve upon and I already know the problem. I need to take more time while I write. I have a bad habit of having an idea and quickly typing it up and pushing the publish button because I get so excited over the thought of receiving feedback. I have a Masters degree that required me to do a lot of writing (not bragging, but online everything seems like you are bragging I guess). This writing was time consuming and boring so please forgive me for loving the fact that I no longer have to feel like my writing is a life or death situation. However, my writing is something that can always be improved upon. Thanks Lance.

Don't Like the Person or the Fame?

This community is filled with egos. No matter how nice you are, there is an ego waiting around somewhere looking for the opportunity to bust out. This ego causes us to say stupid things and can blind us to the fact that maybe we are missing a part of reality in our views. If you don't like me because you know me personally then that is fine, but if you don't like me because I get some links around the web well then that is just an ego thing.

I think it's more productive to dislike the community who is blinded by my no talent ass. I tricked all of them and even paid some to link to me. There, my secret is out. I have been designing $50 websites since I was 16 and just saving up my pennies so that one day I could pay Zeldman, Bowman, Shea, and some others to link to me from their sites (even though they weren't famous yet, but I knew they would be).

Anyways, keep the open discussions going. The community was getting kind of dull.

Sidenote: Funny the amount of people writing me and telling me how much they wish someone would write a "I hate" entry about them. You people are weird :-P.

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Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to fire up Bloglines tomorrow to find every single blog has a new "I hate Scrivs" entry?

Your comment over at Rob's blog made me smile though, with the condescending reference to his age; you're what, 20? Not a lot of difference from where I'm standing!

Anyways, keep the open discussions going. The community was getting kind of dull.

Fair enough, here's my opinion - I think you're a one-trick pony, and will not be surprised when all the "exciting business ideas" you keep dropping hints about turn out to be yet more themed blogs along the lines of the TheCarBlog and BetFest. I hope you will prove me wrong.

But I still enjoy reading what you write, and wish I had the energy to keep so many plates spinning at once.

Matthew Pennell (


Well ask Denton and Calacanis the other one-trick ponies in the game that these ponies are fun to ride on. But seriously one of the new ventures has nothing to do with blogs at all. Not like it will bring me millions, but it's something different.

Scrivs (


Hey, just because I want people to hate me doesn't mean I am weird.

Okay. It does.

I think I will now go write a post about why I hate Paul. Then my hit count will go up. Woo! I see me topping 40 hits a day! For one day.

Seriously though. Even though you ask for public feedback, anything I have to say to you will be said via email or IM. If I think you need to change something, I will tell you. I won't jump up on the nearest soapbox with a megaphone and tell you.

If your foible is something I see many people having, then I might write about the foible and not you. That way the focus is on the problem and not personified by a, uh, person. :)

Matthew Oliphant (



I hate you.

Jeff Croft (


Always glad to help, Scrivs.

You said it best here:

If someone actually takes the time to write a whole entry about you, well then you know you have "made it".

I get annoyed at the people that feel they need to criticize someone and take time out of their precious day to do the criticizing, but don't make it practical. If you don't like me, great. Help me out. Tell me what I need to fix. It's not a competition. We're all a community here.

I think that's it. We're a community. Help a brotha out.

Lance E. Leonard (


Hm, while I agree that people are free to express their opinions on their websites about certain people--good or bad--I am really wary of condoning the negative side of it so freely.

While some personal crits may be well-meaning, or even if they weren't and had grains of truth, perhaps a blog is not the best outlet to unleash some of this? Isn't it more professional, and not to mention mature, to express these opinions directly to the person they're having conflict with? Unless the person was really harming or purposely misleading others by their words or actions, I don't see the point in calling them out on their personal quirks and criticizing how they earn their money in a "public forum" like a blog.

I say this merely because I've been sorely tempted to do something similar to what Rob did to another known-name (though my reasons are different and are in direct relation to a poor business experience--which I think is more justified than actual bitching about someone you haven't actually worked with or know). I held my tongue and my keyboard because I wanted to avoid potential mudslinging and I don't want to ruin what little good reputation I have by unearthing a Slashdot-like flamewar.

Also, I tend to look at the positive side of things. In a medium like the internet, how can you really judge a person based on a few pixels on screen? People in general need to start remembering that there are people on the other end of the screen. And start thinking, "Would I be able to say this to the person or a group of people if I was staring directly at them in real life? Is there a purpose to what I'm saying?"

P.S. Scrivs, don't worry, I still ♥ you. :-)

Lea (


Having had nothing in particular of interest (or new) to read in the blogging community lately, this whole saga has restored my faith in personal blogs as a worthwhile concept. I'm hooked on this. Well done Rob/Scrivs!

Job done, jog on.

Guy Carberry (


Valburg isn't technically on the coast, but is near the bank of the Waal river.

Maybe this East Coast-West Coast battle will do for blogging what it did for hip-hip (minus the senseless killing, of course).

seth (


I love this:

:: I get annoyed at the people that feel they need to criticize someone and take time out of their precious day to do the criticizing, but don't make it practical. If you don't like me, great. Help me out. Tell me what I need to fix. It's not a competition. We're all a community here. ::

If you think I suck, at least have the decency to tell me WHY. Is it my hair? My website? My spelling? WHAT? Don't just send me an e-mail telling me I suck (or in the words of one great scribe: " u r a losser!"...tell me what I can do to fix it.

Terrific site -- can't wait to read more.

Carol (


It's your hair.


Nathan Logan (


This is starting to read like a flame war... I'm not seeing any real criticism, except a jealous tension that could read:

"Why does he get 1e6 visitors a month with his bad grammar. I could write for Oxford."

If only there were some productivity coming out of this--other than that, it's pure entertainment. I hope you don't take it personally; I'm just watching *g*...

Elliott Back (


I only have one reason to hate you, and thats because you won't respond to my Deuce McAllister trade offer in the FFL :)

Josh Dura (


I hate you because you closed Version 2 with an active competition still running. My poor little design went to waste.

P.S. I hate you again because you got a free iPod or two.

Ian (


Yo solardog, fog, frog. Whatever your name is you are a fuckin genius.

For Scrivs, it's because he works his butt off and creates site after site. If just one or two of those ideas stick to the wall, he's bound to get some recognition and the other projects soon follow in gaining popularity.
For Dave, it's because he came up with an idea first. This idea was seen as revolutionary at its time and made Dave a pioneer in the world of css.
It's sometimes just being in the right place at the right time, knowing the right person, or throwing enough stuff at the wall until something eventually sticks.

If you combine those three that seems like a formula for success to me. Work hard, create original ideas, and be at the right place at the right time. Someone had a little too much haterade before they hit the post button.

Rod H (


I would think much of it is jealousy... if not an outright anger at some of the new kids that praise the old faithfuls as the Gods they wish they were.

I do tend to hate CSS showcases more and more now as it's allowed single opinions to make some designers feel as though it's the make or break to their designs. But that's not you, it's again the people.

In the end, I think I hate your critics and your fans, I think you're ok though... but I don't know you that well to find even ground either way:)

Brady J. Frey (


I think Rob is just a little confused.

His post seems to be trying to highlight what he perceives to be contradictions in your stated position on your own design ability.

Rob seems to be a modernist who believes in design for design's sake.

For me the web is a place to experiment. Both of you are experimenting - but in different ways.

Benvolio (


I have a feeling many people COMPLETELY misunderstood my "rant." Rod, my friend, it wasn't the Haterade speaking (although I've been known to consume my unfair share), it was an attempt at, albeit controversially, saying <whine>I'm jealous</whine>. We're all jealous. You're right, Rod. Those are a formula for success. That's why I included them. Thats why I think Scrivs is where he is. Thats why Scrivs deserves where he is.

Did anyone read the last line? I said

So maybe if I put as much effort into my own horribly designed, rarely-updated blog, I could sit right alongside Scrivs and Shea and people could hate me too.

I guess I should note that "horribly designed, rarely-updated" absolutely refers to my own blog and is not a jab at Scrivs nor Shea. Both are well-designed, well-laid out. We'll leave rarely-updated since its been a while since I've seen much come from either side. Good for them. We all need a break.

I do envy Scrivs. I definitely don't hate him. I think he could do some things better, but should I hate him? Ummm, no.

Maybe thats why I don't do much with my blog. I'm so misunderstood. <sob/>

Lance E. Leonard (


Re: Lance's comment about your spelling. Gosh.

We have no children yet. However, we are able to get our kid fix from all the neices and nephews coupled with a few cousins here or there.

(emphasis mine)

Look, if you make a blunder on your about page, on the first paragraph... don't harass the others about it... :)

Just teasing Lance if ever he's reading this. I don't mind a few spelling errors, both Lance's and your site are much more correct than most of what's published on the web nowadays, especially on the blogosphere since no one has a proof-reader handy.

Say I'm an old grump when it comes to spelling. Some people are so terrible I can't read their pieces, just because too many errors end up preventing me from reading more. Deciphering a spelling is not what I call reading.

And you're *way* far from being this bad, IMHO.

Stephane Deschamps ( (


Stephane - I don't think you're in any position to criticise spelling; half your site seems to be in a foreign language!


Matthew Pennell (


Sidenote: Funny the amount of people writing me and telling me how much they wish someone would write a "I hate" entry about them.

I never knew I was considered to be so lucky!!! :-)

Anyway, Paul, I really like the way you can take critisism. That is something I can appreciate a lot.

Charl van Niekerk (


Yeah, I hate you too Scrivs. I hate all the articles, the entire vault, and I especially hate the 6000 hits you've sent my way. You're a real SOB, but you handle criticism well ;D

Andrew Krespanis (


I can't hate a fellow Tampanian (or Tampon if you like), who's about my age, and is doing better than I am in popularity — wait, yeah, I can. Just kidding :)

After reading Rob's rant — and wanting to comment — I realized, more succinctly, the need for facts in writing. Yes, it's an opinion, but it's not justified. It's obvious that he doesn't pay attention to details: You have stated numerous times that you use these sites as your income. Also, he uses the phrase "I am no trying to pursue anyone to live up to my opinion" which doesn't make sense whereas "I am not trying to persuade anyone with my opinion" — which is the only reason you write that sort of thing — makes more sense. Nitpicking with the second statement? Definitely. I'm trying to point out the uselessness in trying to decipher someone's character based on a few things they've said or done. Also, if you're going to give harsh criticism you should expect some back.

Scrivs, while looking for his quote I stumbled upon your reply because it was almost as big as his entry! This isn't a point, it's just funny. You took that criticism well and responded with due means. While I do think your crack at his age was somewhat underhanded, I believe the rest of your reply is right on. He apparently does selectively read things and I'm sure we're all guilty of that at some point or another. Most of us choose to rectify it eventually.

Joe Clay (


There will always be haters.

Ethel (


I'm confused. Was the finger from your last entry directed at Rob or not? Your comment on Rob's site and this post don't seem to be of the "f--- you" variety.



No, the finger was not towards Rob. I wrote what it was for. I took a pic, sent it to Rundle and he said I wouldn't post it on such a public forum. So I did and figured it would be some use to people who get frustrated by clients.

Scrivs (


I see. I must've missed that bit. Just a happy coincidence then.

BTW, very impressive response time.



Little things aside, 9rules shiznit is really the only blogs that i be readin from my bloglines yo. scrivs is my new god. even if he cant spell or do grammer or nuttin. it just dont matter.

Young Buck (


I give up.

Lance E. Leonard (


What was that about Version 2? I've only been waiting for an update to that for years (in Internet time). Is that a good reason to hate you? I would blog about it but that would require effort. Alas, no increased hits for me.



"Sidenote: Funny the amount of people writing me and telling me how much they wish someone would write a 'I hate' entry about them. You people are weird."

Maybe you can lump them all into one and title it something like "I hate you all. Have a nice day."

Chris Kavinsky


Chris. Excelent idea!

(and no, this is not a plea to be on that list)

AkaXakA (


I feel the same as most of us in here. If you don't like someone (and especially if you chose to publicize it), why not do so in a purposeful way? Even then, you have to make sure that your crack is wiped clean before you can tell somone what's hanging out of theirs. Sorry for the analogy.

On another note, most of your analysis on the design blog community has been very enlightening, especially in posts like "Let's Be Honest." The air in the "blogosphere" has definitely been stale as of late. I'm afraid that I am seeing some of the same fanclub puppetry that I've grown up with.

You know.. the kids that used to ruin hide-n-seek by always running to everyone else's carefully planned hiding spots. Or the ones that spend all their time and dignity trying to get into the "in" crowd. Most of us have gone (or will go) through that stage, but at some point you just have to grow up and out of it.

Fernando Dunn II (


I have never met you, we did have a brief email conversation once, way back in 1954 but I could tell from that, that I would dislike you for the rest of my life.

Your blog sucks, it is so white and has so much space. And CSS Vault is just an exercise in promoting elitism in the standards community, it should be deleted straight away, unless of course a piece of my work ever gets on there (one more reason for me to dislike you).

Worst of all I have been consciously avoiding reading your blog for months now but all this publicity just keeps bringing my back for more of your dull ramblings.

God that feels better...

John Oxton (


Next thing you know Suge Knight will be chiming in on what he thinks of the box model hack. Don't hate.



solarfrog's was more interesting. Rob's was just... well, idiotic, really. Reminds me of a bunch of republicans bitching and moaning about "waffling" because someone out there has the fucking gall to change their mind when they realize they were wrong or that circumstances have changed, or don't see every single issue as pure black and white.

I mean, if you want to dislike scrivs, you could dislike his attitude, his arrogance, his often annoying humility, his lack of hair, his constant carping on how he lives in a warm place where it doesn't snow and bikini babes are all over the place and you don't, his one month income being three times what you make as a fairly well-paid corporate web jockey, the fact that he disappeared for a month after getting an Xbox and still gets assloads of traffic on his sites, or even just the fact that he's alot cooler looking (and more athletic) than most web geeks could ever aspire to be...

Those would be good reasons.

But I don't have you, scrivs.

Well, maybe about the bikini girls and the warm temperatures.

We're supposed to get 2-3 inches of snow tomorrow.


JC (


"...But I don't have you, scrivs..."

Little Freudian slip there, JC?

Mark (


yep, Mark... I tell ya, it's funny when you say one thing and mean a mother

JC (


I'm too tired to be bothered hating anybody. Does this make me uncool?


dabitch (


You don't know me, but I'm a regular visitor to your site. I'm bored with this topic (what's it been? 2 weeks now?), and eager for something new. Let it go; move on; entertain me! :)


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