Why I...

October 24, 2003 | View Comments (4) | Category: Our Thoughts

Summary: Why I Program... I love to program because I like having control of hardware. I love making the computer do what I want it to do. I love seeing websites emulate on screen what I have in my head. I...

Why I Program...

I love to program because I like having control of hardware. I love making the computer do what I want it to do. I love seeing websites emulate on screen what I have in my head. I love to run into a problem and try to solve it. I love seeing something work and then later realizing there is a better way of doing it. I love making something that seems so complex and unreadable at times completely beautiful. I love the rush I get when I can't figure something out and then realize my error only two days later. I love to look back and smile and say that I am proud of what I just did.

Why I Design...

I love to create. I love to know that the only boundaries I have are the ones that I set for myself (and the screen). I love seeing someone else's design and wishing that I could only hope to be so good. I love trying something new that no one else has thought of even trying. I love designing complex beauty out of simplisitic design. I love to design because I have not reached my peak or my end and therefore I know there is always somewhere for me to grow. I love when Zeldman says that "he is the man to beat" because one day I hope to become that man. I love designing usability and making it beautiful. I love to hear the words "man that is nice and clean." I love to design sites that make the great content even greater.

Why I Write...

I love to see what ideas others have and I love sharing the ideas I have. I love the concept that information is for all humans and not just me. I love sharing something and only seeing it one way, to later have someone in my comments open my eyes to a completely different viewpoint. I love knowing that every time I write I am improving my skills. I am getting better at what I want to say and the ideas that I wish to express. I love to write because I feel I have something to say that is worth listening to, even if that one person is me. This is the way everyone should feel. I love to write because I love knowing that maybe, just maybe, I am gaining the respect of my peers and in this profession that carries a lot of weight for me. I love writing because I am beginning to open new relationships that would have never happened if I did not write. I love writing because it enables me to become part of a community that I spent so long looking at from the outside. I love to write knowing that if I choose these words will last longer than my lifetime for others to read.

Why I Am Open...

I don't mind showing my designs to people knowing that I could do better an d that many others could do even better. Knowing that I am going to show my design to my peers pushes me that extra mile to get everything I could out of a design. I do it because I love to hear opinions. I love for someone to criticize my work because they are giving me a different view of the world. I am open about my design process because I base it on knowledge that I have gained. I would not have gained this knowledge with the openness of others so what gives me the right to hoard this knowledge? Our perceptions on reality are based on our experiences. If I share my experiences then that drives others to share theirs' and we all gain from this sharing.

Why I Love What I Do...

I love being able to write code. I love being able to design websites. This is what I love to do. I love being given the opportunity to get paid for doing what I love because I have grown up around too many miserable people who do everything they don't like to do. I love being grateful that I am given this opportunity. Sure there are some rough times when clients want things yesterday or managers just don't seem to get me, but I am never wishing that I was doing something else. I love knowing that in this profession there is never an end. There will always be room for innovation even when it seems to be running dry. Life without learning is no life at all and I love getting paid to learn about myself everyday.

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Great write up. AT the risk of sounding somewhat "hokie" or "trite", I must say, this blog actually manages to inspire me. There are times when coding gets tired or old to me. I suppose everything gets stale at one time or another. Today was one of those days, but after reading your last post I was reinvigorated and realized just how much I love this stuff. That's happened quite a few times on this site. You've seemed to transcend the run of the mill blog (at least to me) and I really look foreward to coming here everyday. Keep up the good work.




Wow...ummm...thanks a bunch CIA...mostly I have to write these things to remind myself that there are about a million worse things in the world that we could be doing. I like to hear people bitch about the clients they have and ask them what if they didn't have those clients. Or the problem they can't solve with their code? What if there were no problems to solve through code, what would most people do? I don't know. So even though what I do can suck real bad, because I have no idea what I am doing it seems, at least I am always happy doing what I love and not something else. Thanks for reading.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Nice write up dude :-]

Very poetical :]



" I love seeing something work and then later realizing there is a better way of doing it."

I know that feeling, after 13 years of doing design work, I find it less rewarding that coding standard website, it's so much more fun to find either a new or better way of doing something. I don't get that with design anymore but the web is always in motion.

Keep your outlook like that, it's what's missing so much in that profession... the enthusiasm.

Stephane (http://www.projetsurbain.com)

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