March 21, 2005

My Unadulterated SXSW Lowlights

Joe Clark. So this guy is an icon in the Accessibility community and seems to be well-recognized everywhere. He has a very strong personality not much unlike myself. I knew the name, but I didn't know who he was until I got to meet him at the first day of registration. May I never have to meet him again because if so bad things may occur. I am not to sure if Mike has high regards for him either.

If you were around me most of the week I am sure you heard the story. If not let me just push it in the deep recesses of my brain saved only for those parts of drunken mishappenenings. The guy is an ass. That is all.

Time Wasting Panels. Yes, yes, it has been said that the best part of SXSW isn't the panels, but the hallway discussions and parties. Fair enough. However, if I pay money to fly to Austin, receive admission to a conference, and dedicate my time to watch a discussion, I do plan on walking out of there with something learned. I didn't attend as many panels as the rest of the people, but I was only impressed with one of them (Blogging While Black, arguably the best one of the conference from what I hear). I enjoyed the Design Eye one as well for its entertainment value. The rest?

Ill-prepared. Maybe the blogging environment has caused many of us to become lazy or think that no matter what we say everyone will like it. However, I know the panelists were much smarter than they allowed themselves to be perceived. It was almost like sitting down watching a high schooler give a History presentation that he prepared during lunch time.

This did motivate me and the Business Logs team to already start preparation for our panel next year. So that was a good thing.

It's a White Man's World. No worries, this isn't one of those "where are the X?" type of entries, but it was a bit disconcerting to see what I always felt was the truth. White men dominate the industry. And I don't mean dominate as in there are a lot of them, but I mean dominate as in IE used to control over 96% of the market dominate. There were more Black people on stage for the Bloggin While Black panel than there were in the crowd!

Variety is always a good thing and I think many people would benefit from a bit more of it at the conference. However, that is not for any one person to decide. That's just the way things are for now.

Same Parties, Same Conversations. Yeah, yeah you hear about how fun the parties are right? Well, I think these tales are coming from people who don't really get to attend parties all that much. The grand finale party (which in hindsight was so overhyped it hurts) sucked. You have a couple hundred people in the same house with no music playing. Wow. Wait there is music, but its coming from a little boombox on the top floor. Lame.

What about the other parties? Same old shit. Stand around. Talk about web design (yippee) or how well work is going. Maybe everyone is afraid to really cut loose for fear of losing their professional status or that it might get blogged, but damn some of these people are just boring. Here is a classic example.

At the last party, Mike and I are walking around bored off our asses. I decide that it's time to jumpstart the party and move to the second floor in the dining room (or whatever it was). There was music playing from the small boombox, but I thought it would be more fun to have Mike beatbox while I started dancing in the middle of all these people. Mike did his crazy beatboxing thing and I did my crazy dancing thing hoping that this would light a fire under everyone's asses. What happened? People stared at us like were aliens and once we stopped went right back to their conversations and lego building activities (yeah you read that right).

Let's try this again.

Moved to the next room, told Mr. Inman I was going to perform a celebration dance in his honor. Same result.

Time to bail and go play some pool back in town.

I'm an ass. I already knew this, but there were certain times at SXSW in which I proved to myself all over again that I was one. Not my finest moments.

The Brits are just cooler. What makes them cooler? They don't give two shits what people think about them and that is how everyone should live. Too many of us are concerned about making the right appearance towards others, but fail to understand that if people don't like you for what you are then those are the people you don't want in your life.

Mike Davidson's Beard. If the only person you saw was Mike at the conference then you probably thought you were in the Klondike. That thing was hideous.

All in all though, it was more good than bad and I will be going next year to cause even more chaos.

Posted by Scrivs at March 21, 2005 04:42 PM


#1 | Keith (

I'll say one thing -- While I had fun at the closing party, I too think there should have been music. I mean, it butts right up against the start of kickass music festival, you'd think a band or two'd be willing to play.

Maybe we should throw our OWN closing party next year with DJs, bands, etc.

#2 | Jeremy Keith (

It's true enough about the last night's party: definitely the worst of the whole week. I spent half the night waiting for taxis and the other half waiting for the party to actually start (it never did).

As for Joe Clark though, you couldn't be more wrong. He's just a big pussycat. You of all people should realise that he's just doing his own thing ;-)

#3 | Scrivs (

Yeah I have heard from a number of people that I just got the wrong impression. Oh well, that's the way the world works. Maybe his personality collided with my big personality :-)

Can't have two people like us in the same room. Nobody else will be able to breathe.

#4 | Garrett (

Yes, the "parties" were good considering that all of the people involved all know how to build a web site and write code. That being said, they would have been a complete embarassment in any other context. Maybe next year I shouldn't leave the beer bong back at the hotel room.

I second the Brit thing. Those boys kick ass.

#5 | Mike D. (

Wow, what a bitter, negative post this is. All because you can't grow a unabomber beard of your own? I've just sent a big bag of Miracle Grow with a side of testosterone your way. Early birthday present. :)

#6 | Mike D. (

Also, I didn't even win the bushiest beard contest. That honor went to my new idol, Rob Weychert (of Virtual Stan fame):

Photo from Flickr

#7 | Lea (

Scrivs, need to understand, the generally geek ain't as cool as you. ;-)

Tho, just sayin, if I was there, bootie would have been shook. HEEEE!

#8 | Liz (

Now, see this kind of review is what I've been waiting to read!

I've been reading a lot about the Blogging While Black panel, so I'm glad to read about it elsewhere besides on the blogs of the panelists. I hope they repeat that panel for next year.

Hmm. I guess I'm not *so* surprised at the social skills of, dare I say, NERDS (yes I dare say it because I have my own set of official nerd papers). It just takes some getting used to. Maybe if you keep going, it'll get better.

Thanks for the realness.

#9 | Jeff Clark (

I was starting to wonder if ANYONE was going to say they didn't like the conference! I, too, have been waiting for this blog entry for a week now. I am a geek and from what I have been reading, the parties sounded like a partial bore even to me...

And to Liz: people that code and make websites aren't nerds. We are GEEKS. Nerds are people that play RPG card games and can't get laid.

#10 | Matthew Oliphant (

We will own the closing party next year. That last one was too lame. Unfortunately, I only got to hear you dancing Paul. I was stuck in the room below with my soul mate.

I didn't feel one way or the other about Joe because I often get people asking me about the origins of my name. I guess I didn't rate your and Mike's assessments.

For the last time, I am sorry I am white! I can't cut loose because I have nothing to cut loose with, though I did smile that one time.

And Mike D's beard is a thing of beauty. Don't change, man.

I enjoyed some of the panels, but not most of them. Probably more than Paul, but I went to more. But I am writing about all that over on Paul's other blog.

#11 | Kyle (

That's because the blogsphere is made up of grumpy old men.

No, it's because SXSW happened to land exactly during finals week of quarter-based colleges.. hence the reason I didn't go, and we all know I would have brought the party with me... or something like that yeah.

I dunno, I don't really think you can go to a geek-fest and expect Animal House. Take it for what you will, go for the panels, go for the music, go for the film. Don't go to expect to be partied out of your skull.

#12 | James Archer (

Good writeup, Scrivs. I'm only disappointed that I bailed on the closing party and missed Mike's beatboxing. I could have had a golden MPEG.

I agree about the time-wasting panels. Since you know this, and you've got 11 months and some change to get ready, I'm fully to come out of your SXSW 2006 panel numb from overstimulation.

#13 | James Archer (

Unfortunately, I only got to hear you dancing Paul. I was stuck in the room below with my soul mate.

Some day I'm going to write a novel around that quotation. Brilliant.

#14 | Matthew Oliphant (

Matthew Oliphant: Most quotable (white) man on the Web.

#15 | David

Where do leave comments about how I dont like the new whitespace?

#16 | Joe Clay (

Well Scrivs, you can't expect to go from a town that contains Ybor to a city in Bush land and expect web nerds to party :-P

I do wish I would've gone this year. USF was on spring break, so I should've ventured out. I really wanted to see design eye because I loved the original article. Oh well, next year I'll have to make a showing. If only to join you in "bringing the party."

#17 | r0ss

Next year throw a party there..stock it with a few kegs and some strippers...Just dont tell all the nerds those will be there first or they'll be too scared to come. But, once you get them there and put a few drinks in em' they'll be break dancing with you. Alcohol is key. If they dont drink or wont drink throw em out. I'll bring some of my friends who are party pros to get it started right.

#18 | Dave

Hey Scrivs,

Did you meet Zeldman (I'm to high and mighty for anyone) while you were there? He was the biggest dick I met! Burned his book after words, didn't want it to remind me of what a big Dick he was.

I loved Joe Clark But thats just me.

Andy Buddy & J. Keith were also wat to cool.

#19 | r0ss

Also, are there any hottie web design chicks? Top 10 list? Or top 3?

#20 | Hayo Bethlehem (

Lego building activities? ....

#21 | Destry

Good, fair write-up, Paul. Based on your last entry, I was expecting a few more "bastard" stories, but I'm glad to see that was not the case. You've likely made one nemesis now, no need to have a posse of them ;) But as it's said quite regularly here in France, C'est la vie!

I haven't been to any Web conferences specfically yet, but I've been to a couple of tech conferences in general and they are indeed pretty boring for the most part; but similar to what someone said above, I went with the goal of just taking it for what it was (and try and get something from it), too bad in your case the panels were what they were.

In any case, real posts like yours (rather than all the smoke-up-the-ass posts I've been reading on other sites about SXSW highlights) might generate enough attention to see that next year's event integrates a few more entertainment elements into the fray. I would think being the community that it is, there could be some really cool arts-media fusion things going on. Maybe the problem is the predominate white-boy gene-pool.

Judging from what I've read all around (here and elsewhere), the event was just a big social for big dogs to add to their big resumes. (More power to them, I guess.) I'm glad I didn't waste my time or money to witness just that. (Besides, I would have contributed to that gene-pool I spoke of.)

#22 | Ischa Gast (

When you go to something like sxsw you can expect that there are a lot of geeks only talking about that same thing.

When you are looking for a party you really have to go to another place.

It's sad that there were not more tinted people in the web industry but that's the way it is. When you look at basketball there it's just a little differtent and that's the way it always gonna be I think.

#23 | Ian Lloyd (

Geez, I'm glad I didn't re-schedule for the closing party then - I realised that I was gonna miss the Tuesday evening bash and tried to change my AA flight, but was told that it would cost $100. Well, Sterling's parties are 'supposed' to be legendary ... so I wavered a little ... then decided that even if the party was free, I'd have to shell out for another evening's accommodation. And besides, it's not a free party if it costs me another $100 to stay longer. So, I did the right thing then?

Oh, and Mike's beard is a piece of work for sure, but hey, you'll not forget him in a hurry, will ya?!

Glad to hear the Brits went down well. For once, the national prediliction for drinking worked to our advantage!

#24 | Veerle Pieters (

A party that ends at 11pm did raise my eyebrows at bit ;-) Good thing that these people weren't on the party island Ibiza since 11PM is the hour to have dinner and the PRE-party starts around midnight. The real parties only get going around 3AM. If I was at SXSW I would have been bored too party-wise. So Scrivs if you ever want to have a fabulous party time come to Ibiza. If however you want to stay in the US, you can take a plain now to Miami for the Winter music conference. Great pool parties, super DJ's etc :-p. Wish I was there since it is too early for Ibiza. Bummer!

#25 | Mike P. (

Veerle, Scrivs 'don't do house' (and I'm guessing he figures 'no one listens to tecno' ;-) so WMC may not be for him...

#26 | Scrivs (

Yeah I met Zeldman. Super nice guy who I felt kind of bad for because everyone wanted to run up and talk to him. He is REALLY shorter than I thought he would be though.

#27 | Veerle Pieters (

It's much more then just house and techno. Soul, funk, disco, rap & r&b it is all there, a flavor for everyone. That's what I like so much about it. People just have the idea that it is techno and house. I am from the nr 1 country in techno and I hate it, so.... As a party lover he would feel right at home believe me.

#28 | Mike P.

Well, I stand corrected. Never been to WMC myself, though I've tried to get Scrivs to see Deep Dish at Space in Miami and he wouldn't...

#29 | Matthew Oliphant (

Yes, Scrivs did meet Zeldman.

#30 | Veerle Pieters (

Mike P, you probably forgot to tell him about all the girls there... ;-)

#31 | John Serris (

I wasn't there (Flight from Australia is too much of a hike), but seriously, what were you expecting? :)

Thousands of geeks + wild parties = please hit me with a clue stick, coz it aint gonna happen.

I would have busted some moves with you though man!

#32 | maratz (

Veerle is right. I think you must come partying anywhere in Europe, if not Ibiza. Summer parties here in Croatia are sometimes more like aerobics, but with a cocktails instead of isotonic drinks : )

SXSW and likes are not places for parties and going crazy. You go there for another purpose--if something develops, that's just a bonus.

#33 | Eris (

They weren't Legos, they were Zoooobs. And they were awesome! I'm bringing my own next time.

#34 | Andrew (

I think the problems you're facing here is that you need too much to happen, and you're hanging out with people who would oft' rather blog than 'getting their groove on' (a phrase which I am not able to say in person because I'm the epitome of a white guy). Next year I'll be at SxSW and we'll try to bring a nice balance to it . . . if that doesn't work get me drunk and I'll say funny shit.

And I'm defintely with Eris on the Zoobs thing. You obviously think you are too cool for Zoobs and thusly will never feel the complete joy that accompanies them.

Scrivs - did you get a concert pass?

#35 | mrod


You should of known SXSW would of been lame. It's a fucking nerd/yuppie convention. You want a really party go to the AVNs in Vegas...

How much did you pay for all the BS panels?

Cheers out

#36 | jaboonday

Wow, that sounds nothing like the Austin that I know. Too bad most of the events took place during UT's spring break, you could have hit up 6th Street and run into all kinds of college-age cuties at the clubs there.

#37 | Scrivs (

Haha, people, people, I said it was more fun than bad. The parties didn't last all night and if they did I wouldn't know because I was hitting up 6th street every night to run into the college-age cuties.

If you ever meet Summer let me know...;-)

#38 | John Serris (

Whe you talked about lego I thought you were kiding. I just googled for zoobs. Never heard of em before! Goddamn... this was one hot party! ;)

#39 | James Archer (

I was hitting up 6th street every night to run into the college-age cuties.

Actually, I thought Rundle already graduated....

#40 | Joe Clark (


#41 | matt w



#42 | Scrivs (


#43 | James Archer (

Let the battle of the intellects begin!

#44 | Jason (

Yeah, I was a white guy too. I feel it. I'm queer, though, any cred there? No? Damn.

To Jeff's comment: people that code and make websites aren't nerds. We are GEEKS. Nerds are people that play RPG card games and can't get laid. What if we code websites, play RPGs, and can get laid, where does that put us on the spectrum?

There were better shindigs, but they were impromptu and not on the schedule. Next time, just keep an eye and ear out. :)

Anyway, if you want more people to go, wherever they lie on the gender or race spectrums, spread the word of the press pass. They are, from what I've seen, pretty easy to come by, making socio-economic issues less of a factor.

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