April 22, 2005

Trick Readers and Drink With Scrivs

Keith and Garrett decide to play a little joke on the world. What this means is that they built up false thoughts and emotions for their readers and came back to say they were just kidding. What I am interested in is how the comments on Garrett's site have bloggers lecturing him, while in Keith's entry they seem to offer pats on the back.

Amazing what a little reputation and standing in the community will get you.

On a sidenote, I saw Keith's new look before SXSW and dubbed it CouTraction or SubDal (yes I said that to his face about a million times) and constantly laughed at him about it while we (including Rundle and Garrett) hopped around from bar to bar scooping up the ladies...errrr, I mean I was scooping up the ladies while Keith was missing his fiancee...oh and Garret was talking about his girlfriend...damn, and Rundle was missing his...errr, ummm, yeah.

So what's the lesson that we can all learn from this? Is it that we shouldn't fool our readers because they are what make our blogs so special? No, that isn't it. The lesson to be learned here is that you should never go out drinking with Scrivs unless you are single.

Posted by Scrivs at April 22, 2005 11:36 AM


#1 | Colin D. Devroe (http://theubergeeks.net/)

Or want to become such. As Keith, Garrett and Rundle are about to find out.

#2 | Bryan (http://www.majorchampionships.com)

Scrivs, you sound like a cool guy to hang around.

Me, particulary, I am married, I don't drink...so I am not sure how much fun I would be, but I think you have it in you to hang out with married non drinkers :) hahah

#3 | Keith (http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/)

LOL. You might as well have been married for all the good it did you.

But seriously, it's not like we had people on the hook for very long. The reason why I did this, aside from the whole originality thing, was to show that we don't need to be so fucking serious all the time. It's ok to play a prank now and again. Have some fun and all that. I don't know about you, but I WORK on the Web and I've got a passion for that, but I don't LIVE here.

I got quite a laugh out of the whole thing, and I think a few others did too. To those who were offended all I can say is, I'm sorry and lighten up. ;)

#4 | Adam Michela (http://www.axentric.com/)

Maybe it's the reputation that lent favor towards Keith. Maybe.

Or maybe it's those big ass letters and bright ass colors on Garret's site that just make you want to punch somebody ;) (I like that.)

#5 | B. Adam (http://www.benjaminadam.com)

Paul: I took it that people "defended" Keith because he was the one "attacked" -- more to do with self-defense than status. This time around, at least :)

#6 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

Oh in the first one they were defending him, but in his latest one (the Originality piece) where he admits that he was playing a trick, the comments are different than the ones where Garrett admits he was playing a trick.

#7 | Adam Michela (http://www.axentric.com/)

I'm telling you man... it's the colors!

I did a little color theory experiment on a forum of mine back in the day. As a result we estimated that when our primary color was red or orange, we had to close 10-20 more threads per day then when the color was blue or grey.

Keith's purple leaves me with that just-had-sex feeling... the last thing I want to do is get rowdy ;)

#8 | Keith (http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/)

Good thing the purple will get swapped out at some point.

#9 | Adam Michela (http://www.axentric.com/)

No doubt. My girlfriend has been getting jealous... :\

#10 | Garrett (http://www.garrettdimon.com)

Sorry...can't...type....still laughing at Keith's response. "All the good it did you..." haha.

#11 | James Archer (http://www.fortymedia.com)

Bryan, as a fellow married non-drinker who spent time with Scrivs in Austin, I can assure you that you'd have plenty of fun -- mostly because things probably never became as scandalous as he fondly remembers it in hindsight!

#12 | Ryan Latham (http://blog.unmatchedstyle.com)

Well I am not single but that is not the real reason I can't go out drinking with Scrivs. No there are many reasons why this would lead to many problems, here they are:

See how quickly a little bit of fun can turn so sour?

#13 | Jough Dempsey (http://poetryx.com)

I don't leave any nasty comments at Garrett's site because I open my designer blogs in tabs and I usually think I've hit the 37 Signals blog when I reach garrettdimon.com. ;)

Then I go to Keith's and think Subtraction just added some colour.

Then I look at my own new redesign and am horrified to realise (far too late) that I've borrowed far too much from StopDesign. Damn you, Doug!

But I'll just post something about how he ripped ME off and all will be right with the world. ;)

#14 | Jonathan Maurice (http://www.epson.jssek.de)

great joy being here..really good place.

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