The Hardest Part

September 16, 2003 | View Comments (0) | Programming

For me the hardest part of any project, be it programming or web design, is actually getting started. It is always difficult looking at a blank screen and just expecting myself to go. Where do I start? Will it work? Am I doing the right thing? These are the kind of questions that initially hold me back. Sometimes it might take days before anything actually gets done. I can have all my sketches and my plans and my diagrams, but still I see the blank screen.

Sometimes I think the screen will by itself produce some artistry that I may be able to call my work, but that never seems to happen. In my head I have the greatest ideas of what I want to do with the project, but in my head is the only place where they seem perfect. I wish I could run through projects like everyone else seems like they do on the web. You read one blog where someone is implementing a CSS designed site and the next day another. Then someone else is reinventing a new syndication format and it makes me wonder how do they even get started.

When I do something I want it to be perfect. I like to plan things out so that I waste less time actually doing the work and messing up. That is what they taught me in school.

Design is the most important stage in the life cycle process.

I took their word for it. I design and design and design some more. I always think I am ready, but nothing ever happens. There is another part I might be missing or some concept I didn't sketch out well enough. Nothing is ever just right to get started.

Then I remember that sometimes you just gotta go. It doesn't matter how you start necessarily, but it's the fact that you just got started. It's okay if the beginning isn't what you had in mind. At least you have something to work with and you have momentum going. That is always key. Build your momentum. Also remember this:

You can't write perfect software

So just get started.


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