April to May Extension

May 01, 2004 | View Comments (32) | Category: Version 2

Summary: Extending April Edition to May to receive more entries.

Last month I received the lowest amount of submissions yet. I blame myself by not effectively "marketing" Version 2 last month. But now that I have graduated with my Masters (TODAY!) I have a bit more time on my hands so I would like to put a better effort into Version 2. Therefore I am extending April's Edition into May so that more entries may come in. For those who rushed to get their entries in I apologize, but now you have more time to tweak the already wonderful submissions that I have received.

Again there are more prizes and the site will be updated to let you know what they are.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Trackback URL: http://9rules.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/224



Thats a bonus as I havent started mine yet, also I finish my college course in a few weeks so I should be able to submit my first entry.

I was looking forward to the apple site you choose but I can wait to June, I suppose.

Matthew (http://blog.matthewroach.co.uk)


Congrats on your Master!

dru (http://www.drusellers.com)


Thanks dru!

I shall have my design finished soon as well. Still surprised no one has taken a dramatic shift in direction with the site.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Hmm.. I have tried to design something. But really the IMDB is a site that works so good for me it was really hard to think outside that box. So I guess that's why there's no submission from me.. and a lot of other people. But then again maybe I'll whip up something yet.

Anyway, congrats on the masters ..



Congratulations on your Masters, Scrivs!

Perhaps you haven't had many entries because people aren't very interested in the IMDb site?

Peter (http://www.mouldingname.info/home.html)


Oh no, now I have to wait another month for the next Version 2 Edition. I had hoped to start another redesign today or tomorrow. I've really been looking forward to the 1st of the month. Anyway, I guess I'll have to exercise patience for the next 30 days.

Come on folks, get that IMDb-site redesigned! At least, give it a try! ;-)

Geert DD


Congratulations! Must feel more than good.

eric (http://gideondesign.com)


Hey Scrivs, congrats dude. Best of luck!

Gordon Mackay (http://www.gordonmac.com/)


So, now do we have to call you "Master Scrivs?"

Matthew Oliphant (http://usabilityworks.typepad.com)


I thought you guys called me that already?

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)



Justin (http://bluealpha.com/)


Dumb question, but what did you get your Masters in?

btw - Eric, I checked out your site and it appears to break the back button. Just an observation.

Bryan (http://www.gamecubecheats.info)


I think I'll stick to starting each sentence to you with, "Look buddy..."

Matthew Oliphant (http://usabilityworks.typepad.com)


Regarding the IMDb site, it just looks overwhelming with its twenty or thirty potential subcategories, I didn't feel capable of it, especially after my previous rant. Congratulations, Scrivs!

Hasan (http://hass.spikehost.net)


Congratulations Scrivs, feels great, no?

Mike P. (http://www.fiftyfoureleven.com.com/sandbox/weblog/)


Congrats (again) "Master" Scrivs! ;)

Also, thank you for the extention. I've been meaning to enter, but am so pressed for time. I would get to work on a submission except that I couldn't find an extension date. How late into May is the extension going to be?

eris (http://www.erisfree.com)


**** Regarding the IMDb site, it just looks overwhelming with its twenty or thirty potential subcategories, I didn't feel capable of it, especially after my previous rant. Congratulations, Scrivs! *****

That's where IA comes in Hasan. The whole point is to get rid of those thousands of sub-categories.. and make the site more efficient, and easy to navigate.

I was ill when I was designing my version of the IMDB site, however I still think I got the target audience right, as well as the main features of the site.

Congrats on getting the Masters Scrivs. I will be doing my MSC in Information Systems as soon as I can/have time.

This is my first post and first submission. Even though I have already submitted my site, does the extension mean I can re-submit it, with slight modifications? The website works in all browsers, but I didn't have time to cater for i.e 5.2 mac.


Robert Lofthouse


You don't really have to resubmit anything ... just update it at the same URL and people will see the improved version when the link is posted for all of us.

I was looking forward to seeing everyone's today, but I guess I'll have to wait another month. Maybe I'll make a few changes to my entry, but I think for the most part it works. Lots of info, but I think thats what IMDb users want. :D There's no need to make them click just to find links to news, or the movie of the day, or search the site (which I think is the most important part of the whole database).

Good luck to everyone else. May the force be with you, master Scrivs.

thomas (http://gendes.elivy.com)


Congrats Scrivs thats awesome..

by the way when is the due date? im assuming the end of may



btw - Eric, I checked out your site and it appears to break the back button. Just an observation.

I actually think that's the new Movable Type 2.661 URL redirect. I'm not using anything fancy on my site, and certainly no javascript, so that's the only thing I can think of.

What browser are you using? On second thought, this isn't the place to discuss this :) - if you don't mind, post a comment at my site or email me or something. Thanks.

eric (http://gideondesign.com)


Congratulations on graduating with a Masters!

tek (http://www.invertion.com/)


Thomas: lol yeah, just realised.

Scrivs: Was the MSC in Information Systems worth it? Just need to know, as i'm considering it. I presume that's the course you took.

Robert Lofthouse


Congrats on ur graduating. I am still doing my MS in Management in Information Systems from Temple University Philadelphia. Will graduate next year in spring.

SEO India (http://services.eliteral.com/)


The extension goes all the way to the end of May, which goes to show that I need to work on the Version 2 site.

Thanks everyone for their kind words.

I think any Masters is worth getting to be honest, not necessarily because it teaches you new things, which is hard to do in this fast-paced world, but it does give you an edge. Also the networking and connections you make become invaluable. I am looking to become a CIO/CTO one day so this was just a stepping stone.

I know in the computer industry experience is what really counts, but when you can mix a degree and experience then you become a more complete person. Besides the only reason to live is to learn.

And dammit why the hell is this h-scroll bar showing up? Argh.....

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


The h-scroll bar does not show in Internet Explorer 6.0 but it does in Mozilla Firefox.

Matthew (http://blog.matthewroach.co.uk)


no scrollbar in Safari, btw.

eric (http://gideondesign.com)


The scrollbar is present in:

Mozilla and I.E 5.5

Some element on your page appears to be increasing the page width by a pixel or two.

My first guess was the ads, but i'm not so sure about that now.

Robert Lofthouse


Congratulations, Mr. Smarty Pants!

Alanna (http://www.virginmoistness.com)


It's in #navigationBox, I think, setting this width to 99.9% solves it in Firefox, though I don't know what other bugaboos this will cause. Does that help any, Scrivs?

Hass (http://hass.spikehost.net)


Sorry, that should be 99.99%

Hass (http://hass.spikehost.net/?atom=1)


hmmmm, I tested out some of his css code on a skeleton html document. The navigation and the footer don't seem to cause any problems. There still is a chance that it could be that though. Though I wouldn't rule out the possibility that your content may have slightly pushed the width.

Robert Lofthouse


It's vaguely possible that submissions are dropping off because visitors can't really tell what's going on from the Version 2 page. The news section at http://www.9rules.com/version2/ just needs to mirror http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/version_2.php. If I'd bookmarked the actual Version 2 page instead of your blog category archive, I'd never have known that there was a winner for March.

Stephanie (http://www.sillybean.net/)

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