February Prizes

February 04, 2004 | View Comments (10) | Category: Version 2

Summary: February Prizes for Version 2 and what Project Gutenberg have to say about it.

Just giving everyone an update on the prizes so far and what project Gutenberg has to say about the contest.

Prize so far:

I figure if I am going to run a contest I might as well add to the pot. So every month I will be adding a portion of my Google Ad Revenue to the prizes. This month you just happen to get all of it. If anyone else would like to donate prizes or money just shoot me an email. I have yet to decide how to distribute the prizes.

I have spoken with the Chief Executive over at Project Gutenberg, Gregory Newby, and to say the least they are very excited about the project. This is what he included in his monthly newsletter:

Your work and ideas could be the next homepage for Project Gutenberg!

Apparently they have been trying to come up with some CSS ideas for their homepage for some time. So it is very possible that the winning design could very well be the next homepage for Project Gutenberg.

The only advice I can give for the contest is start now. The longer you take to start the more trouble you are causing for yourself. Stay tuned for more news on Version 2.

Trackback URL: http://9rules.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/137



That is terribly, terribly exciting! And I think I hate you because I doubt I have time for it this month. Why can't you schedule these things around my life??

Alanna (http://www.virginmoistness.com)


Alanna: too true, too true. ;)

Very nice prizes! Giving up your AdSense revenue? Wow, that's cool of you.

Time to get to work!

Chris Vincent (http://dris.dyndns.org:8080/)


On a sidenote, the Version 2 site is already #11 on Google for "redesign". Weird.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Another strike of Scrivs Productions to become the mastermind of the web ;)
Great challenge, I think I am willing to take it.

Minz Meyer (http://www.minzweb.de)


Just to be clear then, tables are optional, but if used they have to be used for tabular data?

Otherwise a pure CSS (no tables) design is just fine?

kartooner (http://www.kartooner.com)


Tables are ONLY for tabular data. Nothing more, nothing less.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Minz: You crazy man! ;)

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Woohoo a prize in American dollars. If I win, I'd be rich! :D (My Australian dollars are like Canadian dollars)

Looks like Project Gutenberg will be the big winner in all of this then.

Jack (http://boxofjack.com/)


Hate to be the resident spelling nazi but... you have a typo in the title, Scrivs. That "Februrary" should be "February".

The prizes sound great! This is going to be very interesting.

sergio (http://overcaffeinated.net)


Ahh, you are right Sergio. So emabarrassing.

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)

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