March Finalists

April 11, 2004 | View Comments (12) | Category: Version 2

Summary: Announcing the March Finalists.

Here are the finalists for March Edition of Version 2:

Here is the original site. Winners will be announced Wednesday, April 14. Best of luck to the finalists.

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Go Jeremy Johnson!
Great work.

Kathleen Thompson (


Yeah, Jeremy! Great design.. I like the sites this time better then last but almost wished that people would have come up with more creative metaphors then just bugs.

Andrew (


Go Jeremy Johnson! His design is awesome!

Alex (


I’m very torn between Jeremy and Michele. Both are great; I like Jeremy’s layout better but prefer Michele’s information flow/organization.

Vinnie Garcia (


Michele Gerarduzzi, good job! I love the logo, and as Vinnie put it, the information flow/organisation (s for me, I’m British).

I do love the hierarchy you have produced on the page. I feel naturally inclined to let my eye wonder around the page in a specific order. Deliberate, or accident, I like it!

Phil Baines (


damn. I like them all.

Jeremy's would look better if he'd cleaned the scanner before scanning the magazine, and done the scan on a diagonal (at least, it looks like a scanned image from a magazine, has a little moire pattern to it that a diagonal scan would remove, and spots that look like a dirty scanner).

Have to echo the above, Michelle's has the easiest layout to understand. It doesn't really have alot of immediate impact, though. The header graphic is a bit hard to read, a different font might work better. And as Jeremy showed in his entry, a picture can be worth a thousand words.

I'd really like to see some combination of these two designs... mostly Michelle's layout, but with the image from Jeremy, maybe in the place the mailing list signup is currently at, with that in a less prominent position.

As for Parallel Vision, I really like the overall look, but it doesn't have anything at all to do with the project. If I were to guess at its purpose without reading any text, I'd think it was a consulting group or maybe a recruitment page for a small private college. I'm missing what chess pieces and a low angle shot of a girl sitting in the grass with a laptop has to do with bug isolation, even on the most abstract level.

JC (


I'm missing what chess pieces and a low angle shot of a girl sitting in the grass with a laptop has to do with bug isolation, even on the most abstract level.

Bugs live in grass maybe? That was the reason I didn’t really like it; no link between layout and the information offered.

Vinnie Garcia (


Props to the finalists... tho I have to throw my vote in for Jeremy... great work man...



even though Jeremy and I share the same city, I'm going to have to go with Michele. I'm really impressed with what she did with the existing logo instead of just taking the standard "bug" theme that most everyone else did. As has already been stated, her organization and presentation of the information is excellent. I dont see it as "not enough" but "just right" for the target audience. Plus highlighting the people behind the project is, i think, a sound touch to the overall design. She put some original thought into that design and it shows.

I'd have to agree that the header font could be made more readable, but its a small gripe when compared to the header on Jeremy's design. His image is adorable, but when I view that design it has a tendency to overpower the actual title. It takes some scanning of the page to find the title and determine exactly what site I'm on.

Both designs are top-notch and definitely deserve their recognition.



I liked Michele's layout but using the same poorly written text of the original ruled that and many others out for me.

Jeremy's was my second favourite and Parallel my original favourite until we find it relies on a graphic which disappears when viewed without the style sheet, so good luck to those.

Peter (


My vote goes to Parallel Vision, clean, professional and a well-organised layout. I think the photo gives the viewpoint of an insect peering through the grass and the chess pieces signify problem-solving. Slightly abstract I know, but still my favourite by a long way.

Tom (


Only Jeremy's layout is viewed good in IE 5.0.. the others not..

Filosof (

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