Version 2 March Edition

March 01, 2004 | View Comments (25) | Category: Version 2

Summary: The March Edition of Version 2 begins.

First, let me thank everyone who participated in last month's edition of Version 2. Voting will begin March 5th and end March 8th and the prizes will be awarded to me...I mean to the winners some time during the month.

March Edition

I got another doozy for you people this month. Let me introduce you to The Cooperative Bug Isolation Project. You might recall that I mentioned this site a couple of months ago and promptly ripped it apart. Seeing how it makes no sense to tear something apart without helping to rebuild it, I have made it this month's website up for redesign.

The project's founder, Ben Liblit, is very excited to see everyone's design. We all know open source projects need more designers focusing on their websites and user interfaces, so instead of complaining, it is time to take action.


Don't just fancy up the homepage on this one. Go through the whole site and get an idea of what the project is about and create a homepage from that. Surprisingly, I think this site is much easier to redesign than Gutenberg. Best of luck to all who participate.

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Please ignore the current's late and I am just having fun.

Scrivs (


I was wondering what you meant by the "current design" The Version 2 site is messed up and so is this one. :D

This one isn't actually that bad.

And, will we get to see the entries before voting starts (March 5th)?



Hmmm, well the Version 2 site shouldn't be messed up at all. What's wrong with it?

Entries before

Scrivs (


Besides the Version 2 site should be getting a complete redesign. I need to hire an assitant one day.

Scrivs (


Oh, for a second, the content was on the right, and the sponsors were on the left. The widths were all messed up, too.



You are killing me Tom :)

Scrivs (


lol, scrivs is looking for a lackey

ak (


No, no, not a lackey, I would definitely call the person "my precious" or something like that. Never a lackey.

Man this discussion didn't even start on topic. Do you people ever sleep?

Scrivs (


i don't, do you? i'll volunteer for the position as "your precious", if you really would like help

ak (


Hell, I was just joking about the whole assistant thing, but I might be looking for someone to help with some things and enter my wonderful world. Let me think about it Alex.

Scrivs (


Does anyone else like this design? I don't know, it's late so I might be going crazy.

Better get started on this month's Version 2 as well. I might try to whip something up for example.

Scrivs (


I like the new smaller font scheme, but it makes the page seem really wide.

David (


Weird side effect: since the fonts are smaller, I'm reading it in a smaller voice inside my head. It's like the whole site has had the volume turned down.

I like it though, less scrolling to do.

Jack (


Wow, and I thought it was a monday thing. Smaller fonts eh?...

Mike P. (


weird... this is showing up in previous/next and in recent comments... but not on the homepage...
did you break something, Paul? :-)

JC (


I never break just wasn't working the way I wanted it to work.

Scrivs (



JC (


Glad you noticed it though. I would have never caught that.

Scrivs (


I already received my first submission for March...what is wrong with the rest of you slackers?

Scrivs (


Open: "version2.html"

Find: "Project Gutenberg"
Replace: "The Cooperative Bug Isolation Project"

*Submit* :D

Jack (


Hey man, its your rep on the line not mine :P

Scrivs (


I don't really think the Cooperative Bug Isolation Project's website is that bad. I certainly wouldn't go screaming in horror from it. The HTML is clean and the site is useable, though plain. Personally, I think it'd be fun to redesign a site that is garishly ugly and unusable, with too much content and/or junk cluttering the page. But I guess that's because I'm not a real designer like most of you guys. I'm better at cleaning up existing designs than creating new original ones.

However, I do think the project really needs a shorter name!

Jennifer Grucza (


Is it me or is it odd to have a whole post about a site that has no actual link to it (Version 2). Maybe it's a secret...

Christian (


Sometimes I write so much I forget the obvious things.


Scrivs (


Cooperative bug land isn't that bad, but Jen Grucza was right about the name. Definitely try to stay up on posting links to the next upcoming page for redo shortly before. Did that make sense. I'll just be quiet

carl frigermuth (

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