April 19, 2005

iPod Shuffle Contest

Having an iPod Shuffle contest is the new "in" thing so I figured I might as well have one too. What you have to do is write a how-to article that relates to web design, web programming, or webmastering. Articles will be posted on Whitespace and we will vote on the best one at the end of May. Yes this is to get more content on my site and generate fun discussions so if you don't wish to participate then I am not forcing you. Simple as that.

Here are the rules:

Why wouldn't I do something cool (or maybe you do think this is cool)? Well, since the old entries are stuck in purgatory I could use new content and I think this is a good way to get it (yes, I know many people will disagree). Also, you don't see too many how-to's on blogs now so I figured this might start a trend. I am doing a similar contest for FG/i25 and it has generated some great articles with great discussions. As time goes on I will probably add some more prizes so more people can win (or the same person who submits 25 articles).

Send your article(s) to contest{AT}9rules.com. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me.

Posted by Scrivs at April 19, 2005 11:00 AM


#1 | Linds (http://www.dizzylimits.com)

Great idea! I will tell all my friends. :D Now I have to think about something cool to write about... hmm...

#2 | Keith (http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/)

Oh man... I knew this ipod shuffle contest thing was going to catch on. I've got one planned too...but not for content. That's a good idea. I may enter just so that I can get a free ipod shuffle to give away!

#3 | RouXx (http://www.rouxx.net)

Yeah sounds a great idea, maybe it's time for me to write a little bit more than I do actually !

#4 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

Sorry Keith, you have to write good content to win.

#5 | Garrett (http://www.garrettdimon.com)

You're being awful generous with the amount of mistakes someone can make aren't you?

#6 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

I am nice like that. Of course I never defined how much is "too many". Could be just one :-)

#7 | Garrett (http://www.garrettdimon.com)

more than I find in my own entry

That's generous. Hmm, I probably shouldn't be talking.

#8 | Matt Burris (http://goodblimey.com/)

Does the How-To have to be formatted in XHTML, or will you be doing that if it is chosen?

#9 | Matt Galaviz

Can we post the article on our site and you link to it? How is it to be setup? What if we need images and stuff as a demonstration?

#10 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

I can do format it, but it would be nice of you though to have it all ready for me before it hits my desk.

Galaviz, no it cannot be published on any other site. I will host all images.

#11 | Zach Blume (http://www.emptysnow.com)

Well, then how are we supposed to get it to you?

XHTML email...with images attached?

#12 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

XTML email it. You can zip it all up. Whatever, I will work with ya.

#13 | Mike D. (http://www.mikeindustries.com)

This contest devalues iPod Shuffle giveaway contests. I object and am extremely offended.

#14 | Scrivs (http://9rules.com/)

Translation: Brilliant idea and stomps my iPod Food contest. You are a genius Scrivs. Wish we could hire you over here at Disney.

#15 | MIke D. (http://www.mikeindustries.com)

Translation of translation: I haven't had an original thought since launching this mofo so I'll copy what all the cool kids are doing. Oh yeah, and the Meatspace Shuffle is just the beginning... :)

#16 | Paolo (http://www.immutablyme.com)

At the end of you article you are more than welcome to write a mini-bio with a link back to your site, so at the very least you will get one or two more visitors that day.

Caught you!

Now that I've got my proofreading down, I just have to find something good to write about and the Shuffle will be mine! [insert maniacal laughter with pinky finger held to mouth]

#17 | shannon (http://giggle)

i podes r so cool

#18 | shannon (http://giggle)

i love i pods

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