Logo Design Entries

May 08, 2004 | View Comments (23) | Category: Whitespace

Summary: Voting for the logo redesign contest begins.

Seems like a lot of people had fun with this one as there were so many different variety of themes touched upon. What I learned from this (like I didn't know already) is that good logo design is hard to accomplish. A logo is the interpretation of a company (or website) so it totally depends on how you perceive the company.

Everyone brought their own interpretations and it shows and I would like to thank everyone who participated. It was fun. Voting starts now and will end Monday at 11:59pm Eastern.

To view the logos and vote head on over to the uber logo contest page. If you are amazed by the design of the page please ask before you steal it ;-). Enjoy.

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Quite a variety of entries - interesting look at how people take a 'design brief' and work their own take on things. Fascinating. Well done to everyone who submitted!

Gordon (http://www.snowgoon.co.uk)


So one of mine is up there, and I don't really think I'll win cause there are some nice ones. Great job everybody!

Mike (http://phark.typepad.com)


Some nice entries there.

It's strnage on why nearly all of the dsesigns had dark grey or/ and the shade of red used on this site.

Matthew (http://blog.matthewroach.co.uk)


The word "white" starts to look really weird when you look at it a few dozen times in a row.

nick (http://www.thinkless.org/)


Kinda like when you say the same word over and over and over, and it loses meaning :)

Mike (http://phark.typepad.com)


I must say there are some great entries and it's great to see how people have interpreted the term "white space" and also the site itself.

It's just a little hard to see the logos in context though. While some of them may be perfect for use in advertising; they may be a little too eye-catching for the site and might draw the attention of the reader away from the body text.

May the best logo win. :)

Jack (http://boxofjack.com)


damn straight, nick... I was trying to choose a font and after about 20 iterations I was wondering if I'd spelled white wrong, the h looked out of place....heh.

I really like the one that looks like a watermark on nice paper. Doesn't really suit the site, but it looks damned good. Better if the whitespace bit was lost from the top of it though... of course then no one would have a clue what it meant. :-)

JC (http://thelionsweb.com/weblog)


Well, there are some interesting entries, but I like the current logo very much because of its simplicity.

Eric (http://www.yatil.de)


Oh, good to know I wasn't the only one wondering why "white" looked so weird after staring at those logos for 10 minutes. :-)



How do I vote for the current logo?

Tim Parkin (http://www.pollenation.net)


I didn't say I was definitely going to use the winner's. It comes down to what I like the most and in this case I am liking my simplicity :) so there is no need to vote for it.

However, you should vote for someone so that we can have a winner ;-)

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


Did you post all the entries you recieved? Or just the ones you liked.

It doesn't matter either way, but I am sure I sent you two other entries as well as the ones you have posted. If they weren't to your taste, thats cool. But if it was an error, then thats a bummer.

Phil Baines (http://www.wubbleyew.com/blog)


The more i look at the entries, the more i like the current logo on the site right now with the tagline. I vote to keep the current logo, but that is just me i guess.

Josh Jarmin (http://www.radiantrock.com/blog/)


I like the new logo you've already got posted up.

eris (http://www.erisfree.com)


Those are some fantastic logos! But to me... none of them really seem to fit this site.

theresa (http://www.dandelionwine.org)


Because I'm a raving fool, I voted twice - THEN read that I could only vote once...

I guess you can treat that how you like (whether you only take the first vote or whatever), but I really was torn between the two. I thought they were both great. So congrats to whoever designed those

And, indeed, to everyone with entries on the page as they are all pretty good!

Nakijo (http://nakijo.vna.com.au)


I think the current whitespace logo is my fav out of all the ones that scivs has used. it just fits with the design, nothing over the top.

Colin C (http://colincameron.com)


Agreed. The new logo looks and fits the part. Prior to this redesign I can admit that the black box bugged me for some reason.

It just never looked polished, I suppose. Regardless, what matters is the content (and design) of this site which I think is top notch. Whitespace is a part of my regular feed reading routine and has enlightened me on several accounts.

Great work, Paul.

kartooner (http://www.kartooner.com)


Can we vote for none? Not that there aren't some decent ones, but none stand out to me as being "the one" for what I, as a "consumer" of Whitespace would easily relate to the "product".

Lance E. Leonard (http://www.solarfrog.com)


The current logo is nice, though I don't agree with the addition of the line below it.

Everytime I visit this site I get confused now lol, i'm so used to seeing the old logo. I think this is where familiarity comes into play, and sometimes reinventing things is a bad idea.

Robert Lofthouse


The new logo / byline without the big, thick square everywhere is a definite improvement.

I did like the light blue version of it better though. Lt. Blue speaks more to "white" than the crimson does. Might also be cool to repeat that lt. blue in the header / footer as well.

Mark (http://www.lightpierce.com/ltshdw)


I liked the blue as well Mark. That's why I took it from here and moved to another logo for a site that is undergoing a redesign...

Scrivs (http://www.9rules.com/whitespace/)


You know, "white" is a really funny looking word after you've read it 50 times in a row. :)

Great work, everyone!

Jeff Croft (http://jeffcroft.com)

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