No. 100

January 08, 2004 | View Comments (14) | Category: Whitespace

Summary: The 100th entry with some favorites from the past.

This the 100th entry for Whitespace. My first entry was posted on September 19, 2003, so that makes the site about 105 days old (estimation) so we are looking at almost a post a day, almost all of them with useful information for some, and good laughs for others. Hopefully, others have gotten some good stuff out of this site like I have. Here is a list of some of my favorite posts during this short time in existence (chronological order).

How Google Works

The first entry is also the one with the most hits due to searches from Google. In it I mention that this entry will jump into the Top 10 searches for "how google works" and I was right...sometimes. As of this writing I am currently #12 for some reason even though I have been in the Top 10 all this time. Go figure.

Programming is an Art

This is one of my personal, personal favorites. I even got Simon to comment on it.

:focus and :not

I was planning on starting a series on certain CSS rules that many people would not be aware of. Well I did start the series, but it seems to have been stuck on the pilot episode for some time now. Anyways, this stuff is really useful when using forms.

CSS Google

Still loving the code on this one. So simple. So useful.

Rant About Minimalist Design

Another Google favorite where I argue that minimalism is beautiful when done correctly. It always looks easy to do and that is why so many people create "minimalist" sites, but those only go to ruin the perception.


Some people (myself included) try so hard to make things easy, but in the end we just overdesign and mess everything up.

Why I Hand Code

It is what it is.

Why I...

Another personal, personal favorite.

Doing What You Love

This is where things really start to change in my life and on this site. Nothing like a little inspiration to set a flame under your ass.

The Rookie

The CSS Vault begins here...with a cheesy prologue story. Who knew it would blow up like this?


Where people get semantics and standards confused. Why do we confuse everything with standards?

Sometimes I Get Bored

This is really where the whole redesign trouble began.

How do you get started?

This one was interesting just to see other people's ideas and whatnot.

Death of Liquid Layouts

Probably the biggest troublemaker entry I will ever write...for the next couple of months.

The Second Generation

This was just one of those ones where a lot of people were thinking it, but I was stupid enough to say it.

And here we are

Some people ask why I post so much and really my only reason is that I have a thirst for knowledge. There are so many things that I am unaware of on the web and writing about them is simply the best way to learn. I love the web and the potential that it holds for everyone. I love the community that has developed and I am glad that I am part of it. I have been presented with some wonderful opportunities and have gotten to know a lot of great people.

The future should hold better entries with some deeper looks into design along with greater exploration of CSS. Feb. 1st will be the beginning of a new site that everyone will get to be involved in. I thank everyone who has posted a comment and read this site and hopefully I gotta another 100 entries in me somewhere. Oh and thanks to everyone who links to me also. If there is anything I can guarantee is that this site will look different by the time number 200 rolls around.

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Wahey! 100 posts is always great, and considering the site's only been around a bit longer, factoring in holiday time and server downtime, that's some pretty damn impressive posting! Keep it up, the content rocks!

David House


Well done, thanks for constantly adding new articles that are both thought provoking and inspiring.



Yeah. It is impressive. You come up with interesting and well written posts with remarkable frequency. I'm not quite sure how you do it...

Nice one.

Patrick Griffiths (


Congrats Scrivs, you should be proud of the site and it really is amazing how frequently White Space is updated. Keeps me from being too productive!

Keep up the great work.

Todd (


100 posts eh? How many different versions of the site design has there been in that time? :)


Jon Hicks (


Yeah, no doubt. 100 posts and 90 redesigns...

Just kidding. 100 posts in 3-4 months is quite a lot. Thanks for the good work and heres to 100 more.

Keith (


Well at least the amount of redesigns is a tad bit less than the amount of posts :P

Thannks for the kind words peeps.

Scrivs (


I wish I found your site 100 posts ago (in fact, I only found it about 15 posts ago). There's just so much great content here.

I'm sure I would have been inspired to bash out XHTML and CSS on a more frequest basis.

Jack (


Nice job, Paul!

Mike (


Good show! If I recall correctly, I found you not too long after you began your previous site... and it's been good reading the whole time. Congratulations... now get writing. Your goal for the next 100 days should be 105, to make up for the 5 missing posts. :-)

JC (


Knowing me I might follow up on that one...geez.

Scrivs (


Congrats! You already know that you're in my top favorite sites. =) Personally, I just passed 100 posts last month, and I've been at-it about twice as long as you, albeit with fewer redesigns. =)

Your next goal should be topping 100,000 hits.

Ryan Parman (


Now are we talking 100,000:

unique visitors
page views


Because hits (where each page gets the images and whatnot) is already well beyond a 100,000 and page views is not far behind...100,000 visitors is something to strive for though.

Scrivs (


Excuse me, I should clarify. I meant "visitors". Visits count as once per time the browser is open.

Ryan Parman (

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