Not Dead, but Broken

January 10, 2005 | Category: Whitespace

Summary: As you can see updates here have been null and void. The good news is that I am ready to start writing again at a fevered pace. The bad news is that MT/Blacklist are just completely hosed. MT serves its...

As you can see updates here have been null and void. The good news is that I am ready to start writing again at a fevered pace. The bad news is that MT/Blacklist are just completely hosed. MT serves its purpose well, but for this site it has let me down one too many times. This could be due to my own ignorance or maybe my service provider is playing games with me, but I think its time to move on.

I've had my own server for some time now and I will move this site over to it so if you could just stick tight then that would be awesome. Till then...

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