Redesign: Phase 4

January 09, 2004 | View Comments (28) | Category: Whitespace

Summary: Phase 4 of the redesign, aka, the finale.

Finishing stretch. It's been a blast, but it's time to finally let the design sit for a couple of months. If you notice any glaring problems let me know. Other than that it's off to work on the Vault. Thanks to everyone who helped behind the scenes.

Criticism welcomed (constructive). Major changes: no chance. Minor changes: unlikely.

Trackback URL:



Everything works great! The only minor thing I see is that the footer is off by a few pixels in Mozilla 1.5.

Fantastic work!

Ryan Parman (


Off meaning?

Scrivs (


Looks great to me. I'm using Firebird-0.7 on windows. Whitespace has really evolved, very commendable work.

Mike (


I really like this incarnation Scrivs. No problems in Safari that I can see. Looks great!

Todd (


Every redesign phase seems to get cleaner and tighter. Everything looks good on my end. (Safari, IE)



On the bottom of the individual entry archive under the comment posting form you have the "Last 2, 3, and 4 Entries," which just doesn't make sense. Try "Last 3 Entries" or something like that?
Also in Safari 1.11 the top navigation doesn't seem to have as much padding-top as it does padding-bottom.
Otherwise the site looks great!

Kjell Olsen


I agree the wording for it could better, but it isn't the "Last 3 Entries" because what about the newest entry above it?

Scrivs (


How about "Previous 3 Entries"? Or "Proceding 3 Entries" but pretty much the same difference and "Previous" is more common English word in context of webpages.

Alanna (


That is so brilliant, but I have to wonder what my brain was doing when I was trying to figure out what to put. Thanks Alanna!

Scrivs (


I'm a bit late but here goes.

- The main header seems to be 2 pixels less high on the post-pages compared to the index page, except for that everything looks consistent. ( Firebird 0.7 )

- I'm not sure wether I like the section headers ("Previous 3 Entries" & "More Entries and Categories") not stretching 100%, but that's probably because of my extreme love for symmetrie ( compared to the navigation bar ) kicking in.

Overall great redesign Scrivs !

Percept (


Personally, I really liked the line inbetween white and space. I'm sorry to see it leave. Oh well, change is a good thing, I guess.



Great job! WS is looking a whole lot better than it did months ago. This latest redesign has to be my favourite so far.

Any other surprises coming?

David House


Bravo - those changes have come out well! :o)

Ooh, one final thought - what's this horizontal line below the comment form for? Should that be there? It doesn't seem to be seperating anything from anything else :o/

Dunstan (


Heh, no more suprises for this site in the near future that I see. Like I mentioned before, I should have something launching in Feb if I can't kick it in high gear.

The horizontal line below the form is there only because the form is enclosed in a blogbody class that has it. ummm, just ignore it right now :)

Scrivs (


Awesome scrivs! Just one more little change: I think the last line (that contains the "brought to you.." "powered by.." etc. links) could use a bit more space on its bottom margin. As it is, it's a bit too close to the bottom of the "white sheet" of the design.

Great work!

sergio (


Forget my previous comment. I see you've taken it out of the "sheet". Looks great.

Did you do that just now or did I need to reload? odd...

sergio (


Your main menu items (Main, Archives, XML Feed) are not centered vertically in Safari (latest version).

The "Previous 3 Entries" and "More Entries..." boxes are nice.

charles (


Does anyone remember where there is a free Safari screen grabber tool online so I could see what is going on?

Scrivs (

#19 - that'll expire in 24 hours, but you can always do it again.

JC (


Hey thanks JC, that's what I was looking for.

Scrivs (


Great job Scrivs!

About the "previous 3..." and "more entries..." I like the idea, but it doesn't match the menu at the top. I think it would look nicer if it were stretched 100%.

Also, "Back to top" and "9rules" is marked as an external link. I don't know why they both have "9rules" in the URL.

I understand you might want to make the 9rules link external, but I don't know about "back to top."

Very nice site, nevertheless.



That'd be because he's linking to / and #top respectively, so the CSS hack he's using to mark external links is coming into place because it doesn't mention in the link html. :-)

JC (


Yeah, I need to figure something out about that. I will take the "Back to top" link off for right now until I come with a solution.

Scrivs (


keep the submenus as approx. 90% width... looks nice... don't let Tom fool you.

charles (


Lovely. Much prefer this design to your previous phases.

dysfunksional.monkey (


(late to the post, i've been away for 3 weeks. but i've still got something to say!)

I was wondering when you would add titles to your uberfooter - "previous 3 entries" etc. It was so obvious I never bothered writing you about it and you got to it. nice!

The title shading balances the page nicely. but i wouldn't mind a (choice of) colour schemes ;-)

And I think I asked you before but can't locate a site search to find out if you've answered - was the uberfooter inspired by an old xblog design? That was the first place I saw a 'sitemap in a footer' executed really well.
No site search?

Adam Bramwell (


Oh, and the trackback URL gets too much emphasis in my opinion. perhaps as a watermark?

And on individual pages the contextual nav (next/prev) sometimes doesn't fit in a single line. Perhaps take the next/prev text out and add as a title tag (tooltip)? Also i believe it would be good at the bottom as well as the top of the page.


Adam Bramwell (


Yeah, I keep on forgetting about the site search, but is definitely something that is needed. To be honest I never even saw the xblog before. This was kind of my own thinking, but I guess I was just reinventing the wheel.

Hmmm, contextual nav on the bottom as well...good idea.

Scrivs (

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