Returning April 30th

April 15, 2004 | Category: Whitespace

Summary: I will be returning April 30th. UPDATE: I will be returning now thank you.

This is the cool thing about RSS. I can update everyone who has this feed, but still keep the horrible looking splash page up (of course you could be looking directly at this page). In any case I am looking to return April 30th. I would make it May 1st, but that is the May 1st Reboot, which is cool and all, but that falls on a Saturday and I don't know if my site would have the "flashisness" worthy of such an event. But you never know...

Don't stop working on those IMDB redesigns. I have received a few already and this month has already trumped last month in terms of quality.

I would like to thank these people for reminding me of why I even have a website:

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