I hate all these widgets that litter the blogosphere. Some have a purpose, like the ones from MyBlogLog, BlogRush, and Amazon’s widget ad. Others just baffle me – why would you want to have a Feedjit widget in the first place?
Do you have a bunch of widgets littering your sidebar? You need to ask yourself what you get from them. Are they driving traffic? Making your users happy? Provide features necessary for your site? And if they do add something to your visitors blog experience, is it worth slowing down loading times, maybe even braking things when the widget host is down?
Please, dear blogger, and dear blogosphere, take a moment to think about this. There’s enough litter in the blogosphere as it is.
In my opinion, all these nasty little boxes are raping the blogosphere.
They’re ruining design, have poor readability, lags my web browser, slows down loading times, and are almost always ugly. Almost none fit with the blog’s design, and most of them feels completely unnecessary.
Less is more, people.
Originally posted on November 20, 2007 @ 11:44 pm